I've read several blogs in the past day or two that talk about all bloggers banding together to help the victims of Katrina. I honestly didn't understand what we were supposed to do and the people writing about it were a little vague as well...I don't think they knew what they were going to do either, just that they wanted to help, which is nice.This morning, however, on, there was something posted. Here is what the plan would seem to be.
UPDATE: The plan for tomorrow's flood-aid blogburst: I'd like each blogger participating to put up a post recommending a charity, or other action to help, and linking back to this post where I'll keep a comprehensive list of both bloggers and charities. Basically, a Carnival of Hurricane Relief. That way readers of any blog will have ready access to recommendations on all the blogs. If anyone has a better idea, let me know.
Oh, I see now that they call it a blogburst....I'm sticking with Blog-Aid....blogburst sounds like something you don't want happening to your body.
", what happened to your arm?"
"I got a blogburst."
"Oh bummer, man, looks like it hurt."
"Yeah. Majorly. But it was kinda cool, too."
So, there you have it. Instapundit already has a list of over a dozen charities listed, so referencing that site is probably the easiest thing to do. Unless I make up a charity (i.e. "Seinfeld's" The Human Fund: Money For People), I can't think of any not already listed there. I also read, I think on WWdN (Wil Wheaton dot Net), that he has received the go-ahead from the Red Cross to hold a poker game where proceeds go to a relief fund. I don't know if anyone can join or if you have to be a celebrity of sorts. If you're a poker buff, might be worth checking out.
Okay, I'm finished being a public service announcement...back to our regularly scheduled programming.