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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Miss Manners Meets the Blog

This is probably the hardest post to write. The first one. You want it to be clever and witty - just in case someone actually does read it. I'd like to avoid even saying it's the first post...but I already blew that. I also don't want to sound like a contestant on "The Dating Game": "Hi, my name is Ringo, I'm 24 and live in Toledo. In my spare time I enjoy dismantling tricycles and creating art from the pieces. And I found God." (Most of us didn't know he was missing.)

Since this is my first posting to a blog, I wanted to make sure I had some semblance of what I was doing and what all the unpublished rules of etiquette were. So I did some research on blog etiquette. What I found out was:

- don't talk about your job or you could get fired
- don't talk about politics or you could be deported (no actual cases of this happening, purely conjecture)
- don't discuss your friends unless you are okay with them reading about themselves
- don't use people's names (people that you know) unless they are okay with it

This leaves me with my life and the recipe for my grandmother's cheese pie (right...pie, not cake). And I can't even post that because it's a family recipe and I risk being disowned. (Not kidding about that.)

I told a friend today that I was going to try this blog thing. Not really because I have anything useful to say, just because I like to babble in the written form. I like to babble verbally, too, but I like it more in the written form. I decided that the most difficult part was naming it. Hence the porn star name. I also thought about just calling it Dave the Blog and being done with it. As I told my friend, whenever I have to name an inanimate object, it ends up being called Dave. I don't know why. It started with a ceramic garden pig that someone gave me for my 30th birthday. It needed a name. It got Dave.

Thus ends my first attempt at a blog post. I will, of course, try to respect the appropriate etiquette....I am worried, however, that I already messed that up with the name. We shall see if the blog police come after me.


At 8/04/2005 11:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember Dave the Pig!! Where is he now? ~D

At 8/04/2005 11:40:00 AM, Blogger Cherry Indigo (Cindy) said...

In my family room. He was cleaned up and brought over...he turned green in the garden.

Little Dave the Pig, happy at last....


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