I've added "word verification" to the comment area to block spammers. My apologies.

Friday, March 31, 2006

I'm Not Completely Crazy

This morning, in a ridiculous rush, I remembered that I had to post the answer to "I still have my thumbs!". Knowing how my day looked, I hurriedly put together the previous post.

Now that the day is complete...and being the obsessive, anal-retentive person that I am, I had to go back and check. Turns out, I'm not completely off base in my recollection of "I still have my thumbs!".

From tvland.com...
"It May Look Like a Walnut"

Under the influence of science fiction, Rob fears that a walnut will steal his imagination and his thumbs.

I feel better, knowing the absolute real answer. I just wish I could figure out why the cashews on my desk are looking at me like that.

Of course, now I do want to see that episode again...maybe it really is one of my favorites.

Laura Petrie was pretty hot in her day.

And the Answer Is....

The Dick Van Dyke show!

Now, admittedly, I don’t remember this episode…but I act like it’s one of my favorites.

A friend was telling me about an episode that, I swear I am recalling this correctly, Rob was dreaming about aliens or something. And the aliens would take over people’s bodies and the only way to distinguish real people from the aliens was by whether or not they had thumbs…because the aliens did not.

So, people were always checking thumbs – or something.

Okay, I don’t know what the hell the episode was….I think it involved walnuts, too…but that’s where the quote originated.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Opposable Thumbs

I spilled tea on my laptop keyboard tonight. Egads.

I was minding my own business, watching my normal barrage of nightly sitcoms, working on the couch. I had a mug of hot tea on the coffee table (I know, TEA on a COFFEE table....outrageous), and when I went to drink from it, the cup knocked the corner of my laptop - okay, I clumsily knocked the laptop with the mug - and some liquid splashed onto the keyboard.

Of course, I immediately turned the silly thing upside down...the laptop, not the rest of the tea...to drain the excess liquid. Then I shut everything down and took it into the kitchen to dry it as best I could. I even took it into the bathroom and lightly blew air across the top with the hair dryer to help get excess tea from under the keys. If I spent 10 minutes on the entire process, I'd be shocked.

Well, that oughta do it!

I get settled again, fire everything back up - taking great care to back away when the power came on - and went back to work. To be honest, everything seemed fine.

I should have mentioned that I put a lot...A LOT....of sugar in my tea.

About a half hour or so into my work, I notice the left mouse button thing getting a little sticky. I don't know, at this ridiculous hour, what a mouse on a laptop is called...and I don't care. Then my space bar seeems a little sluggish. Fifteen minutes and a couple emails later, I find myself IMing a colleague and, literally, punching the space bar with my thumb every time I need a space. It's amazing what we take for granted....I have no training regime for my thumbs! They can't last through this kind of workout!

I already sent an email to the IT guy at work. Luckily, he reports to me so I know he'll take care of this for me. By the time I shut down, the entire bottom row was getting bad. I popped some keys off to see if I could clean it up some more...but I have no idea what's going on under there.

In the meantime, I'm going to get a rubber band, loop it around my thumb and pinky finger and do some exercises. I also need to find a gumball machine that has these swirly, multi-colored rubber balls....if the life-sized one is good for my abs (or so I've heard), a small one should do wonders for thumb strength conditioning.

"I still have my thumbs." (Anyone? TV reference from the 60s. No? Oh, okay. Answer in tomorrow's blog. And no Googling for it.)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Man, has it really been 2 weeks since I've blogged?! So unlike me and I have no good excuse....but I have plenty of bad excuses. Let's review, shall we?

a) I've had a couple business trips that have been non-stop work and very little extra time that wasn't used for catching up or sleeping. One was to Bangor, Maine (I have a picture!) and the other was just yesterday to Houston (which looks surprisingly like Maine).

b) Saturdays have been all about painting the house - and we're not talking a few hours, we are talking all freaking day and into the evening. Stop time is usually around 9 or 10pm. (here is the color of the kitchen...it's yellow, in case you can't tell....and I didn't buy the awful light fixture, it came with).

c) Sundays have been busy, too...including the start of softball practice and, this last Sunday, a Beef 'n Beer, which was way fun.

d) Work is just too busy for blogging. I also have 2 books I have to read for work, the first one by Aprill 17th. You would think all the plane time would help with this, but alas, it does not.

e) Evenings just get away from me between cleaning up my house, which has officially become a shit hole, and laundry and dishes - oh, and that whole eating and sleeping requirement. And this place is so messy...I'd say it looks like a bomb went off but that would be misleading since I think bomb fallout might actually look better. No pictures, sorry.

f) I'm too busy taking pictures of Einstein lounging in water bottle cases. Behold the mighty fortress.... I know, he's an odd little man...but he's mine.

So, there are 6 bad excuses...but excuses they are! I was even warned that I would lose a friend if I didn't get my priorities straight and blog. She was kidding, of course...no friendship could possibly rely on these mindless but well-intentioned literary dribs and drabs.

Even now, I should have my butt in the shower and be off to work...which is exactly where I'm going! Good to be back!!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Good Eats

I’ve recently found myself on a salad kick. I want one every day, either as my entire meal or as part of a meal.

Currently, my idea of the perfect salad includes: leaf lettuce, hardboiled egg, crumbled goat cheese, shredded cheddar cheese, carrots, chopped walnuts, croutons and some pepper. Sometimes I'll add chicken or steak to it. My dressing of choice at the moment is Raspberry Vinaigrette, which I had not partaken of in a while.

Pictured is a salad that I made for myself last week. As I sat it on the table, I thought it looked just about perfect. So I took a picture. This is what my evenings have been reduced to lately…taking pictures of my dinner.

If those little specks of goat cheese weren’t on the bottom right side of the plate, I think it would be pretty enough for a Denny’s menu! Maybe even a Chili’s menu. Okay, yeah, aspiring to a Chili’s menu is probably taking things too far. It’s not as though I’m Annie Leibovitz and it’s a famous celebrity salad.

Salad…it’s what’s for dinner at my house.

Friday, March 10, 2006

World Peace Update

Sharon Stone has traveled to the Middle East to help promote peace. It's a very decent thing she did...honestly.


I guess that should just about solve everything.

I Got 'Meme' Tagged

Jesus' Favorite tagged me for an L.A. based 'meme'. I had to make my way through a link maze to confirm that, yes indeed, it's about L.A, specifically....not the city where you reside.

Four Jobs I've Had In My Life in LA:
-Managing one of my tech support peeps in the L.A. office
-Tour guide / chauffer for said peep during the weekend she relocated
-Official out-of-town visitor to Karen Carpenter’s gravesite
-Finding O.J.’s house when the street sign was covered up

Four Movies About LA I Could Watch Over And Over:

-Pulp Fiction
-Pretty Woman
-Die Hard

Four Places I've Lived All Over L.A. (With Food Memories From Each):
-Residence Inn: ice cream and cookies do not require the stove in the room
-Fantasy Athletes Village during the ’84 summer Olympic games: imaginary cafeteria food
-Vicariously through Annie and Wil: radio free burritos
-Inside a teepee at a UCLA folk festival, but just for a few minutes: venison flavored cotton candy

Four LA-Themed Shows I Love(d) To Watch:
-Arrested Development
-Melrose Place (oh shut up!)
-LA Law
-Ellen DeGeneres Show

Four Places I Would Vacation At In LA:
-El Capitan Canyon (Santa Barbara counts for me)
-Hearst Castle (I’m counting that, too)
-Shrine Auditorium – but only if I’m winning an award of some sort

Four LA-Based Websites I Visit Daily:
Jesus' Favorite
Biggeststars Blogs (most of the stories are about people in L.A.)

Four Of My Favorite Foods Found In LA:
-Hot wings (I’ve never had them in L.A., but I’m sure they can be found)
-Venison flavored cotton candy
-Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks (hey, I’m trying really hard here! and it's late)
-soft pretzel from the airport vendor

Four Places In LA I Would Rather Be Right Now:
-any hotel because it’s earlier there and I could get to bed on time
-The Planet (fictional ‘L Word’ coffee house/club)
-Hanging with Ellen and Portia
-Watching Annie, Wil and Nickerblog perform one of these shows I keep reading about

Iced Tea Not Coke
a...my name is allison
McG (I know you can blog on mySpace)
Di (start your damn blog!)


Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Memories from Antigua…

View the slideshow (it takes a few seconds to start)

Beautiful weather

10 steps from our villa patio to the beach
Wonderfully nice people
Pedicures and massages
Malibu and diet Pepsi all day long - that Kiki convinced the bartender to put in our water bottles instead of those teeny tiny little cups (Brilliant!!)

Playing roulette at the casino
Great dining every night - usually at a table overlooking the water
Seeing the enormous ships in port when we went shopping

Wildlife fun on our patio
Awesome sunsets
Relaxing under a palm tree all day long with the breeze and the sun mixing
Late nights….late mornings…bed to beach
Naps in the afternoon

Can’t wait to go back…

Monday, March 06, 2006

If You Hate Air Travel, Please Press 1 Now...Part 2

Well, that was short lived. I'm just too tired to waste a lot of energy on the joke that is US Air. I'd rather spend that energy on talking about how great the trip was. However, the tale is so unbelievable - even for US Air who is typical for this, that I need to run through the short version. I just don’t have the momentum to go through the long-drawn out, often comical, more often ridiculous process it took for us to get home....at least not in narrative form. So, I summarized - using extremely poor sentence structure.

Once it's out of my system, I can get on to the more exciting part of just awesome Antigua is.

Recall that my comanion's alias is Kiki.

Plan A

Friday February 24th.

- 10:20 am flight, aboard Caribbean Sun (via US Air) to San Juan, arriving at 12:25pm
- Immigration and Customs
- 1:45pm flight, aboard US Air, to Philly, arriving 4:58pm.
- Meet driver
- Get bags
- Go home
- Enjoy a nice relaxing Friday night.

Plan B

- Agree, upon the suggestion of Caribbean Sun rep, to take later flight at 10:40am to San Juan, arriving earlier at 12:05pm.
- Wait around until flight is combined with another flight, making a stop in Tortola.
- Leave an hour late, still scheduled to arrive by 1:00m.
- Arrive at 1:45pm in San Juan
- Walk REALLY fast to Immigration and fly through non existing line (things are looking up)
Wait for bags…
Wait for bags….
Wait for bags…. rut roh...
- Start to see a pattern emerging and ask remaining passengers if they were also on flight that was combined. Hey, they were! Shocked.
- Go through rig-a-ma-roll with baggage woman about bags.
- Go through Customs without bags (except for carry-ons - we got to carry them around ALLLL DAY!)
- Walk 3.4 miles to US Air counter on the other side of the country terminal.
- See other passengers who also missed connection. Quicky reunion. Wait for ticket lady who went to check on new flights for all of us.
- Give ticket lady our tickets. Wait some more.
- Listen to ticket lady tell us we might be staying in San Juan overnight, without luggage, because US Air can’t get us home …..spout off at her a little bit….listen to ticket lady say she’ll check Delta.
- Wait some more.
- Wait some more.
- Listen to ticket lady say she got us on Delta and she’ll be right back.
- Wait some more.
- Ticket lady returns with new tickets.
- Listen to ticket lady – who did baggage in another life – tell us our bags will be in Philly.
- Optimistically believe ticket/baggage lady.
- Check-in, with Delta, without luggage, for new flight.
- Call car service….change pick-up time and place.
- 4:00pm flight, aboard Delta, arriving in….ATLANTA!!!….at 7:00pm. Our seats are, literally, 30 rows apart.
- Arrive in Atlanta.
- Find Budweiser Brew house near gate and make a beeline for the bar.
- Find seats….Kiki goes to smoke….I order a drink….wait for Kiki to return.
- Kiki returns.
- Order food. And another drink.
- Ton of bricks flies through air and hits me…..I look at Kiki….”I wonder if our bags will be at the US Air or Delta terminal.” I say.
- Blank stares all around.
- Put my head down in my arms….shed a few tears of frustration for release.
- Ask Kiki to please start making calls to Caribbean Air / US Air….write down exactly what I want to know from them….while I go to the restroom. Poor Kiki.
- Back to table….little progress on bags. Caribbean Air told her to call someone else in Antigua.
- Eat food. Try to start making calls and am told to stop it and eat. I do.
- Take over phone duties…..get absolutely no where.
- Drink more.

- Return McG's phone call...we both chat with her for a bit.
- Drink more. And what the hell....one more after that.
- Leave and buy a magazine.
- 10:00pm flight (that’s right, a 3 hour layover in Hot ‘Lanta), leaving Atlanta on Delta, arriving in Philly at 1:00am.
- Actually manage to sit together on this one.
- Can finally get some sleep after I find out what is going on between Jessica and Nick.
- Arrive in Philly at some God awful time….I no longer have the skills to tell time.
- Meet driver.
- Optimistically go downstairs for bags while telling driver what happened.
- Driver convinces me to go straight to the Delta bag counter….bags will NOT be there, he assures me.
- File claim with Delta.
- Ask Claim Lady THREE SEPARATE TIMES – “If our bags arrive at US Air, will you know it and get them?”
- Optimistically believe Claim Lady.
- Informed that bags should be delivered around 11:00 in the morning.
- Threaten Claim Lady not to knock on my door before noon.
- Take longing look at baggage carousel and follow driver to car.
- Sit in zombie state for most of the ride home. Kiki sleeps.
- Get home, pet cat who was brought home that morning, take showers, go to bed.

It’s a brand new day!!!!
It’s 1:00pm!!!
We’re awake and happy to be home!!!!

No bags have been delivered.

- 2:00 - Reluctantly accept that I must start making calls.
- Caribbean Sun first. They don’t have the bags. They’re positive. Absolutely sure. They don’t have them. They're holding no bags. They were sent to San Juan.
- Check Delta claim….no progress, says the sweet Georgia Peach woman on the recording…as though just the friendliness of her tone is supposed to make me feel better about this, ya'all. - Call US Air - Michael can't check where the bags are but he really wants to help and will try his best. He'll call me back (I never hear from Michael again. Maybe he'll send a Christmas card.)
- 3:00ish – US Air calls and leaves message…. “We have your bags at Terminal C. What would you like us to do with them? Do you have a claim? Call me back at blah blah blah….”
- Call US Air schmuck back….phone rings for 13 minutes and 43 seconds…..no answer, no voicemail, no nothing, NO KIDDING.
- Call US Air…..finally, a person!
- Following is summary of conversation: You have our bags. Please send them to us. No, we don’t have a claim with you because you couldn’t get us home and we had to fly Delta. We have a claim with Delta. Oh, we have to file a claim? Let’s do that. IN PERSON?!! Are you kidding me? (He’s not.) Can anyone else there help me? (No, they can’t.)
- Hang up and curse airline industry for a good solid 8 minutes.
- Call Delta back…cannot reach human being.
- Curse some more.
- Call US Air AGAIN…."Please have someone pick up our bags and take them two terminals away and give them to Delta." He will forward a note to baggage telling them to forward our bags to Delta and to call us.
- 5:00 – no word from anyone.
- Kiki and I look at each other with the same thought. The bags are in Terminal C. Let’s just go get them before they send them back to Antigua.
- 6:00 – leave for airport
- 6:30 – find bags cowering by themselves next to corral of other bags. Comfort them for a few moments and assure them we are there to perform a rescue. They're safe now.
- The pictured tag is attached.

Good thing they were rushing!

- Confer with helpful baggage lady who is wandering around, show her I.D., inform her that we’re taking the bags.
- Leave airport with baggage.
Vow never to travel US Air again unless forced. Rant and rave about the letter I will write to them.
- Have a nice dinner with Kiki.

Monday....start therapy for anger management.