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Thursday, February 01, 2007

I Should Be In Bed...

It's been a long, tiring week and I have an early morning in front of me. I should be in bed but I want to stay up late. :) I feel like a little kid. I want to catch up with my friends on myspace and make a new playlist for my iPod. I want to discover cool new music that lifts me up and inspires me the way James Blunt's "High" did when I heard it on Grey's Anatomy (the episode with the quints, it played during the birth and made me tear up a little bit). I must have listened to it 10 times in a row after that.

I want to go downstairs and get a bowl of cereal - like Lucky Charms. The problem is, I don't have any Lucky Charms. Or ice cream...of which I also have none.

I want to read a book in bed like I did when I was 10...under the covers with a flashlight so I wouldn't get caught being up late. How great must a book be that makes a kid want to read it that badly? How excited would you be as a parent to know your kid loves to read THAT MUCH? I would be beside myself with glee.

It would be easy to get wrapped in a PS2 game for the next several hours, falling asleep with the controller in hand. Okay, so sometimes it wasn't a book under the covers, it was Mattel's handheld video football game. ;) That was much more difficult because you couldn't turn off the sound on those games and had to press it REALLY HARD against your pillow to muffle the noise....especially when you scored a touchdown!

Alas, I must go to bed. I said I would do the morning check for my team at work...and that's a 5am thing and I have to be coherent by then. At least I can do it from here, in my sweats, eating waffles, drinking Red Bull and with the TV on. I used to watch "The X-Files" when I did the check....but now they are into the episodes after Mulder and Scully (drool) are gone. In other words, the sucky episodes. So I've switched to "Mad About You".

I'm looking forward to the weekend - I think it will be a good one. Go Colts!


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