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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Life for Rent...Twice the Price

Wow...two entries in one day...again.

How messed up is this? I wanted to listen to my Dido CD on the way to work this morning. I couldn’t recall if I had ripped that one onto my iPod yet or not. (I love my iPod, it’s the coolest thing ever – but don’t get me started on the closed file format – wake up, Steve Jobs.) I check my iPod and I haven’t added it yet so I figure I’ll just grab the CD, blow the cobwebs out of my car stereo and revert to this archaic style of listening. No worries, I’m not so much of a technology snob that I don’t still listen to CDs....and there aren't really cobwebs in my car stereo.

Now, all my CDs (about 2000) are well arranged, in alphabetical order, downstairs in the family room…and I go right past them every morning on my way out. Easy enough…I’ll grab the CD and be on my way. It’s not there. Damn it. Where the hell is it?

I’ve been copying a LOT of CDs to my iPod so there’s a good chance that it’s in the To Be Done pile in my office…which used to be a walk-up attic and is 3 floors up from the family room. So I go all the way upstairs and look…not there. Damn it again. At this point, I’m still lugging my laptop and purse around on my shoulder. Okay, back down I go…quick check in the TV cabinet, just in case…not there. Damn it for the third time.

There’s a small stack of CDs that need to be re-filed…I really need a file clerk or librarian or something. Check through that stack…not there and now I’ve moved from “damn it!” to “fuck!”. Where the HELL is it? Maybe I missed it in the stack upstairs. I’m winded so I put my laptop case and purse on the floor and sprint back upstairs. It’s not there…and I carefully looked this time. I give up. I have to get to work. I do find a Dido song on a mix CD in my car so that has to suffice. But I am jonesing for the “Life for Rent” CD.

I finally just buy it from iTunes so I can listen during the day. Now I’ve paid for it twice. And I’ll bet a dollar that I find it when I get home, snug in the ‘D’ section of my CDs.

I think my cat probably hid it. It wouldn’t be the first time.

As an aside…this is the symbol for my cat, Einstein. ^..^-7 In case it’s hard to decipher, it’s in profile but he’s looking at you. So, the symbol equals ear, eye, eye, ear, body, tail. Why the bent tail? Because he was born with a tail that didn’t finish forming, so it’s bent. That was added, courtesy of T.

"...nothing I have is truly mine..."


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