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Thursday, August 25, 2005

I Scream, You Scream...

I’m starting to think less of Andrew Sullivan’s blog and more of the ones he references…such as The New Republic Online, Professor Bainbridge and Instapundit.com (love that name!). Truth be told, I am so open to all perspectives of a situation that I’ll keep reading them all. Besides, there have been a couple Andrew Sullivan blogs that are dead on to my way of thinking or feeling. But the long suffering SUV argument to which he has dedicated much blog space recently…c’mon. To quote a fellow Po-Diddy…”Can you not see how dead that horse is?”

When first introduced, SUVs were touted as menaces to the road; causing more accidents, producing rude drivers (trust me, we were rude to begin with, the SUV just let us express it more openly), and there were the predictions that more land would be needed because parking spots would need to be bigger and this would ruin the environment (I do believe the emissions from ALL motor vehicles had a jump on that long before the first SUV arrived on the scene.) With SUV sales being in the millions per year, the arguments seem to either be falling on deaf ears or people just don’t give a shit.

SUV owners are now being blamed for financing the terrorists and driving up gas prices. Ummm…EYE don’t want higher gas prices and I don’t know any terrorists…unless you count the damn mosquitos in my back yard that insist on eating me alive every night while I try to enjoy a drink and a book on my patio. Fuckers. And, yes, I’ve tried those special bug-repellant candles…I find that setting the plastic candle holder on fire is more effective since it also keeps the neighbors away.

There are many, really intelligent, discussions out there about the pros and cons of SUVs. What I'm writing here...fluff, of course. As luck would have it, I see both sides to the SUV debate…I am very annoying that way. When I first read Andrew’s blog, a twinge of guilt hit me right in the gut and, being in the market for a new vehicle next year, I immediately went to the Audi site to check out the A4 again (and now someone is saying, “An import? Buy American!”) ….even though I’ve told all my friends that I am getting an MDX. Period.

I started asking myself, could I go back to a car? I really like sitting up high. I feel safer. I also like having it in the snow and for hauling things from Lowe’s and Home Depot. But I don’t want to finance the terrorists – and let’s face it, if I stop driving an SUV, millions of other people will follow suit and the problem will be solved. Maybe we can get Carrie Underwood to do a celebrity endorsement - you get a free case of Kit Kats if you trade in your SUV. (Yes, I am referencing previous entries again, sorry.) I guess we’ll see where things stand in January when I get serious about my purchase.

I had no idea the trouble I was causing. I apologize. If Andrew can promote my blog, make it famous and figure out a way for it to produce my current income, I will stay home every day and not drive to work in my SUV. Let me know – I’ll be waiting to hear back. I am definitely unjustly opinionated on enough subjects to blog all the live long day, to which both of my faithful readers can attest.


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