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Monday, August 29, 2005

Little Wesley Crusher....Happy At Last

I really like the way Wil Wheaton writes. I found
his blog by chance, looking on a web site of celebrity blogs...for some reason, I just had to know who out there in the entertainment business had something to say. So I found Wil.

For those of you who are not geeks, Wil played Wesley Crusher in "Star Trek: The Next Generation". (He was also in the movie "Stand By Me".) I loved "Star Trek: TNG". It was awesome and so much better then the original. (I can only imagine the gasps of disbelief that just emanated from hard core fans of the original series - sorry, can't get on board with it.)

I can also identify with him to a point because he talks about "Star Trek: TNG", Dungeons and Dragons and geeky stuff like that. Aside from "TNG", I was a HUGE fan of "The X-Files" and was involved with an online game called DragonRealms for a couple years. Nowadays, I find myself too busy to really get hooked on any television shows and this blog is the closest I come to "being online" - I also don't think there will ever be another show like "The X-Files" that's worth getting hooked on (my former crush on Scully might have something to do with that).

Wil left "TNG" part way into his contract to pursue a movie career (think Shelly Long and "Cheers"). While that didn't work out for him, writing seems to be working out very well. And had his acting career taken off, we wouldn't necessarily have the literary contribution that we do.

I so enjoyed his blog entries that I bought his two books this week. Dancing Barefoot and Just A Geek. I will sometimes read two books at once, if one is easy and fun, so I'm now jumping back and forth between Just A Geek and A People's History of the United States. I think the risk of mixing up the story lines is low.

I so often use this space to bitch and complain and unfairly judge others that I thougt it about time that I promoted something that I'm really enjoying...and that would be Wil Wheaton's writing.

"Aye, Sir. Course laid in."


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