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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Good Morning, Good Morning, to you....

What a great morning drive to work...

First, my favorite four legged buddies were at a safe and reasonable distance from the road.

Second, I heard "Back in Black" and "Don't Phunk with my Heart" - what I'm not telling you is that I picked them myself from my iPod - but I still heard them and had a mini-concert in my car!

And third, I followed the Red Bull truck from the Turnpike exit to the street I turn on to get to my office! That was awesome! Can you imagine driving the Red Bull truck? I'd never sleep again. Although, it's probably like the years I worked at a pizza shop in high school...it's great at first...but then I couldn't even look at a pizza for 2 or 3 years. Ick.

Has anyone ever had a Jagerbomb? It's Red Bull with a shot of Jagermeister dropped in. When I was hanging out with Nan's (of Iced Tea NOT Coke fame) softball team several weeks ago, they convinced me to try one, using the argument that "It tastes like a Sweet Tart!". And it does!!! Great drink....great team, too. They are way fun.

So, now I have the song from this blog's title stuck in my head....not a bad song and one of my favorite movies...but not the kind of movie in which you'd find "Back in Black" - at least I hope not.


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