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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Pineapple, blow-up cops and thou...

Last night and this morning were full of all good and fun things. I feel like I’m living in a 1950’s sitcom, where the worst thing that happens is getting your neighbors mail by mistake and having to decide to just put it in their mailbox or ring the doorbell and hand it to them.

I had dinner with friends last night at Tavern on Camac. It was really awesome to see everyone and the conversation was as interesting as ever. We touched on the following subjects:

· Our periods, of course. (When you get 5 women together, it’s bound to come up.) It quickly segued into…
· How pineapple can impact your sex life…and it’s in a good way. I’m not sure just how detailed I can get here so I will try to be a little…oh the hell with it…pineapple makes your she-she taste sweet. (And asparagus does not.) I just HAD to research this a little further and found a reference online in Sister to Sister Magazine. These folks got into this subject! One entry gave the impression that the pineapple rumor is just that, a rumor. So, further research needed there. However, these folks were VERY adamant about the fact that pork, like asparagus, is also a no-no. (BTW, the whole thing started around this rumor that a female rap star was so bad that a guy she was with passed out from the stench.) ANYWAY…. It was a fascinating conversation last night, nonetheless, and has now produced what will probably be the crudest post I will ever make. However, ladies, there is helpful material here. If someone ever asks you if you like pineapple, it might be clear indication of what that person wants. So let’s review. Pineapple (and we think it has to be the fruit, not juice, snow cones, milkshakes or Fruit Roll-Ups)…good. Asparagus and pork…bad. God, can you imagine if you had them at the same time? Onward….

Other topics included:
· This freak bitch that our friend works with who is trying to make her look really bad at work and get her fired. It won’t work but it’s ridiculous that she has to put up with it at all.
· The fact that the average I.Q. drops about 20 points when someone boards a plane. This really deserves its own entry and I know I have spewed about this in email before so I will find that and freshen it up. Watch this space.
· Stupid drivers. You know who you are!!! (Unfortunately, none of them are reading this, they are out being general menaces on the Schuylkill.) My friend D refers to me as “the angriest driver I know”. And last night I discovered I have a kindred spirit in the same friend who has to work with Freak Bitch. This, too, deserves its own special space so there will be more on that in the future. And I don’t think I’m angry….I prefer the term “expressive”.
· And quite possibly the scariest damn topic I have ever discussed….plastic surgery for “girl parts”…or “labiaplasty”, “vaginoplasty” and “hymenoplasty”. That last one sounds like a name for industrial strength glue. I picture a guy in a hard hat, swinging from a metal beam. I’m not making this stuff up….check it out. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


I get to see all but one of these friends again next week. We will all be in California for the NAGAAA World Series (softball). We are going to Poway. I know, I thought someone made up the name, too, but it’s a real town. I even found it on a map. We were talking about this several weeks ago and trying to decide what these folks might be called…Powhites? Powinians? Poliputians? Po-Diddies? We decided we will be Po-Diddies and that quickly morphed into Po-Titties. I have no doubt that there will be plenty of commentary and pictures from next week as we ‘do’ Poway.

This morning continued to be wonderful. On my way to work I saw a family of deer…three little babies with their cute white spots and their parents. They were peacefully eating grass under a tree at a very safe distance from the road. I wanted to stop and hug them.

Shortly thereafter, I went screaming by the Turnpike building and saw a police car sitting in the driveway. I hoped for a minute that it was one of the blow-up cops that they sit in the cars just to slow people down. Then I saw him pull out and I don’t think the blow-up cops can do that. Someone was on my side this morning and he never came after me.

All in all, a great evening and morning…let’s hope it continues right through the day!

And my gas light came on this morning….that is neither good nor bad….just an update.


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