Blogger NOT Frogger

After work, I was talking with my friend, JoJo, who was on the email. The following conversation snippet ensued:
JoJo: “I got your email. What is this blog thing about?”
Cherry (me): “Just something I thought would be fun.”
JoJo: “Yeah, but what is it?”
C: “An online log.”
J: “Like a video game? Is it like PlayStation online?” (huh?)
C: (I stop to stare at my cell, very confused). “No, it’s a web log.”
J: “Then how do you play? What are the rules?”
C: “You don’t PLAY. It’s not a GAME. It’s like taking your diary, ripping out a page that you don’t mind sharing, and posting it on the web.”
J: “Ohhhhh. So, it’s like that Dragon Realms thing you did.”
C: “No. It’s not a game. THAT was an online game. It was role-playing.”
J: “Yeah, I don’t know what that means. What was your character’s name again?”
C: “Aldin.”
J: “Right. Why was your character a boy?”
C: (sighs)
J: “Are there teams?”
C: “What? No. You can have multiple people posting to your blog but they aren’t a ‘team’.” (sighs again)
J: “Gotcha. So how do you win?”
C: “What? God. You don’t…never mind…” (clearly defeated)
J: “How many times do you do a post during the day?”
C: “Usually once.”
J: “Well you’ll never win that way.”
C: (sighs yet again)
She’s probably right.
I'm really tired and battling a summer cold/throat thing, so I won't be able to put much thought into any commentary right now. But I think your BLOG is off to a great start. I laughed between coughing spells and blowing my nose. Very funny, and I enjoyed reading other comments as well. I'll right more another time.
JoJo, Jessica ... Jo Jo, Jessica
Oprah, Uma ... Oprah ... hee, hee
No offense, it was actually very funny!
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