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Thursday, August 04, 2005

Blogger NOT Frogger

I sent a message to a very select, very small number of friends this afternoon, informing them of my blog…just in case they had the slightest level of interest.

After work, I was talking with my friend, JoJo, who was on the email. The following conversation snippet ensued:

JoJo: “I got your email. What is this blog thing about?”
Cherry (me): “Just something I thought would be fun.”
JoJo: “Yeah, but what is it?”
C: “An online log.”
J: “Like a video game? Is it like PlayStation online?” (huh?)
C: (I stop to stare at my cell, very confused). “No, it’s a web log.”
J: “Then how do you play? What are the rules?”
C: “You don’t PLAY. It’s not a GAME. It’s like taking your diary, ripping out a page that you don’t mind sharing, and posting it on the web.”
J: “Ohhhhh. So, it’s like that Dragon Realms thing you did.”
C: “No. It’s not a game. THAT was an online game. It was role-playing.”
J: “Yeah, I don’t know what that means. What was your character’s name again?”

C: “Aldin.”
J: “Right. Why was your character a boy?”
C: (sighs) “It’s more challenging role play. But that’s not a blog.”
J: “Are there teams?”
C: “What? No. You can have multiple people posting to your blog but they aren’t a ‘team’.” (sighs again)
J: “Gotcha. So how do you win?”
C: “What? God. You don’t…never mind…” (clearly defeated) “Okay. The person who creates the most posts during the day wins.”
J: “How many times do you do a post during the day?”
C: “Usually once.”
J: “Well you’ll never win that way.”
C: (sighs yet again)

She’s probably right.


At 8/04/2005 11:33:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really tired and battling a summer cold/throat thing, so I won't be able to put much thought into any commentary right now. But I think your BLOG is off to a great start. I laughed between coughing spells and blowing my nose. Very funny, and I enjoyed reading other comments as well. I'll right more another time.

At 8/05/2005 10:49:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

JoJo, Jessica ... Jo Jo, Jessica
Oprah, Uma ... Oprah ... hee, hee
No offense, it was actually very funny!


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