I've added "word verification" to the comment area to block spammers. My apologies.

Monday, October 31, 2005


I fucking love Halloween! I don’t love the scary part (ew)…it’s the fun part. The dressing up (which I didn’t actually get to do this year) and the little kids with their candy bags. Sitting on the sofa, I could hear them approaching the house in clumps…their little voices whispering to each other, “ring the bell, ring it!”. And then, once I appear with the candy, it’s that sing-song chorus of “trickertreat”. It’s really become one word at this point. I give one little robot type thing credit, however, he sang the whole song…”smell my feet, give me something good to eat”…I thought that was long dead.

I had a couple friends hanging out with me tonight and the only real scares of the evening were a) when some kid showed up in the “Scream” mask…man I hate that thing, it gives me the creeps and b) when I ran out of Malibu, damn it. We had to switch to vodka. We did have enough candy, though, thanks to them bringing some reserves…so there was no repeat of the Halloween scene, lo some many years ago. Picture this…

I’m probably 22. My friend Amy, from work, and I had convinced this poor sucker (Dave) to let us hold a party at his parent’s house. (“We’ll do everything, we promise, just let us use your house, Dave!”) And he did….dumb ass. Anyway…

I’m living in an apartment building in Baltimore and I know that I have just enough time after work to run to the liquor store, get home, get my costume stuff together and get the hell out the door in time to set things up for the party.

I have no candy because I know that I won’t be home that night. I have no money because I just spent the last dollar in my pocket on booze….which, really, is what it should be spent on. I’m grabbing my stuff, getting my costume together, almost out the door and fuck….someone knocks on the door. And I know that whoever it is has heard me already. There it is…”TRICKERTREAT!!!!” Shit.

I open the door. Oh hell…it’s not even a teenager….this kid is, at most, 7. I cannot, for the life of me, remember what he was dressed like but I do recall his mother lurking down the hallway as a pseudo chaperone. I appeal to the kid’s reasonable side.

“Hey, I'm sorry, I don’t have any candy. I’m leaving in a couple minutes.” I think I even titled my head to the side a little as I said it.

Blank stare.

“If I had any, you could have it all. Really.”

Blank stare.

“And I don’t have any money on me either.”

The mouth turns into a scowl. Stupid dumb woman, I can hear him think, doesn’t she know it’s Halloween? She’s got candy, she’s holding out on me. Bitch. (Okay, the 7 year olds back then probably didn’t actually think that…but that’s how it felt.)

“Hang on.”

I scurry back inside, the door sort of propped open so he knows I’m attempting to find something. I got nothing. Into the kitchen I go, flinging cabinet doors open and looking for something sweet and vacuum sealed for safety. Nada. Finally, in desperation and knowing I need to leave, I grab a can, any can. As I fly back to the door, the site of a green bean catches my eye on the label.

“Here.” I say as I unceremoniously dump the can into his bag. “Sorry.” I let the door slam shut, get the rest of my stuff together and then peer out the windows until I see them go into another building. Then I haul ass outta there before someone else shows up. In my defense, I think this kid started too early.

I’m still surprised that I didn’t come home to a broken window and a can of green beans on the living room floor. Trickertreat, indeed.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Quote of the Day

"Poopin' always holds me up. If I didn’t have to poop in the morning, I would always be on time.”

- Anonymous

Monday, October 24, 2005

Could You Pass 8th Grade Math?

You Passed 8th Grade Math

Congratulations, you got 9/10 correct!
Could You Pass 8th Grade Math?

Keep Your Hands and Feet Inside the Vehicle At All Times....

I’m sure someone has already asked this question but I wasn’t around to hear the answer. It struck me this morning, as I followed a school bus in my neighborhood.

(I just this very minute decided that I don’t like the word “development” to describe the community in which I live…so there.)

We, as a country, spend millions of dollars and year upon year, researching car safety for babies, toddlers and kids. Babies must ride in federally regulated car seats that face the rear of the vehicle at an exact angle of 72 degrees, secured by a saftey belt that is made of federally approved polyester/polypropylene fiber, weighing exactly 2.743 googagrams.

“Consumer Reports” dedicates entire issues to rating Infant Seats, Convertible Seats, Toddler/Booster Seats and Booster Seats. There are web sites dedicated to help parents understand, research, purchase and install a wide array of infant/child seats. Every manufacturer of child seats claims to be “the safest seat you can buy” or “ranked #1 by 'Consumer Reports'”.

A quick search on google for “infant car seat” will produce 562,000 hits….not including this particular post. A search for just “car seat” produces 3,080,000 hits.

Then we move onto seat belt safety. Let’s be honest, it is wisely the first thing a parent tells a child when said little boy or girl finally gets to sit on the actual seat that came with the automobile. In school, kids are taught “safety first”, "buckle up" and “always wear your seatbelt”. Even adults are now advised, “click it or ticket”. (Isn't it interesting that the adult version has to rhyme? What the hell.) I haven’t gone without a seat belt since I was 17. I can drive from one end of the mall to the other and still put my seat belt on...I am that programmed.

It’s an important subject and I, for one, am glad to see seat belts being taken so seriously. I honestly believe that they do save lives. Yes, we will always hear of those exceptions where someone was killed BECAUSE s/he had a seat belt on. For the most part, however, we’ve become pretty serious about it. I applaud that.

I vividly remember sitting in the front seat of my Dad's Plymouth, hanging on to the door handle, not wearing a seat belt and almost falling out of the car when I pulled up on the handle. I was wondering if it would open while the car was moving...it did. Thank God I kept a tight grip on the handle as my Dad reached over and pulled me in by my shirt. I was probably around 7 years old. We never told Mom. Dad forgets that it ever happened. Now we have car doors that automatically lock at 15mph. I take some credit for that.

Child safety in cars is clearly at the forefront of every parent’s concerns.

So why on Earth do we stress this message over and over to kids and then corral them into a big orange, square container that has not a seatbelt in sight except for that of the driver – the stranger to whom you’ve just entrusted your child’s life for approximately 180 days each year. I also read that seat belts will usually fit kids between the ages of 8 and 12 and, until that time, kids should be in booster seats so that the belt fits properly. Last time I checked, except perhaps in some remote parts of the world, kids started school – and started riding school buses - WAY before 8.

Like I said, I’m sure I’m coming late to this party and this has been debated before but I haven’t heard about it and it just hit me this morning….and confused the shit of me.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Now Entering Middle Earth...

This is too funny. When I checked on Wil Wheaton's site this morning, he had this survey on there; "Which Sci-Fi Character Are You?". I've already admitted that I do like sci-fi...and for anyone out there rolling your eyes and shaking your head, here's a news flash for you. If you liked "Star Wars", "E.T.", "Lord of the Rings", "X-Files", "Battlestar Gallactica", "Star Trek", "War of the Worlds" (the story, not necessarily the movie) or anything remotely like those, you like sci-fi, too...at least on some level. Sorry to break it to you.

Getting back to the survey...

It was very short and there were even some not so typical questions in there about bribes and immortality. Anyway, I am Galadriel. At least I was the first time I took it. Since there were a couple questions that I could have gone either way on, I may take it again and see if the combination of answers compliment one another.

The narrative that goes along with this result is:


Possessing a rare combination of wisdom and humility, while serenely dominating your environment, you selflessly use your powers to care for others.

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."


Galadriel is a character in the Middle-Earth universe. ("Lord of the Rings") I'm okay with this result...especially since Cate Blanchett portrayed the charater and rumor has it that Cate and Gillian Anderson (Scully from "The X-Files") were lovers for a while. And I had a big time crush on Scully. In my warped sense of thinking, this as close as I'll ever get to sleeping with Gillian Anderson. It's like a surreal sci-fi threesome. I wonder if we gain the ability to hover...that would be cool.

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

I took it again and it turned out the same.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

There Must Be a Monkey in the Atmosphere....

Here is the REAL IM conversation I had with Brrrr (friend, fellow Monkey and World Series roomate), before IMposter Dave from Mexico abducted her session and gave me his email address. I am half tempted to write to him because I think it would provide LOTS of blog fodder. But I can't do that...as much as I'm tempted. As Nan has pointed out, I AM the biggest goodie two shoes....EVER.


$3Joe: Cindy? Brrrr here...
CHERIN: hey!
$3Joe: what up?
CHERIN: not much! surprised you could get to me here....good name, btw
CHERIN: how are you?
$3Joe: My ¨handle¨ is actually .... but AIM restricts the number of letters/numbers you can have in your screen name. I'm doing very well. Just on a break and thought I would check email. How ´bout you?
CHERIN: I'm doing great!
CHERIN: one sec
CHERIN: k. sorry 'bout that.
CHERIN: So, you could be $3Joe
$3Joe: that’s very cool... maybe I'll change it :)
CHERIN: :) Got your email...sounds SO cool and exciting. Haven't had time to reply yet. :(
$3Joe: That’s cool... I didn’t expect a reply... I know people are curious about what I’m doing so I just sent it as an update... and to let everyone know that I haven’t been killed or roped into any white slave scam.
CHERIN: yes, we were all afraid that's what was going on.
CHERIN: So how is the dating scene? Or no time for that right now?
CHERIN: and how do I know this is really you? Tell me something that only you and I would know. LOL
$3Joe: I went out with a guy from the language school…he is gay. He was going out with a bunch of people on Saturday night and invited me. All his friends are lesbians. Most were couples, but a few were singles. There are some beautiful women down here, but GAWD everyone is like 23. Not really my cup of tea.
$3Joe: I know that your hair doesn’t move when you run!!
$3Joe: How do I know I’m really talking to YOU????

CHERIN: LOL!!! You are TOO funny!!! And who gives a crap about tea...we're talking women!....and you like coffee anyway.
CHERIN: Well...DUH...you contacted ME.
$3Joe: someone could be sitting at your computer....
CHERIN: caught me...this is really Cindy’s boss....why doesn't her hair move? Is it a wig? ;)
CHERIN: Okay....you travel with about 17 baseball caps.
$3Joe: I’ll prolly go out with Selso again this weekend... I’m going to make him take me to the lesbian bar this time. The name of the place is LIBIDO... how appropriate.
$3Joe: LOL... you are funny... yah, I have to match my cap with my outfit... DUH!!!!
CHERIN: LOL And they say that I'm a girly girl. That IS a cool name for a bar.
$3Joe: Of course, I’m on the rag right now... JUST LIKE I WAS IN SAN DIEGO.... Ugh... I don’t think God wants me to have sex... ever.
CHERIN: LOL She wouldn't be that cruel.
$3Joe: Luckily, I’m here for 3 more weeks, so we’ll see what happens.

CHERIN: And would you really sleep with someone the same night you meet them in a bar? Only 3 weeks?
$3Joe: hell yah!
CHERIN: seriously?

$3Joe: I have actually done that once or twice.
$3Joe: Drunk

CHERIN: well, yeah, everyone has
$3Joe: Very Drunk, Young, and Dumb
CHERIN: I can't say that I would any more though
CHERIN: right

$3Joe: Yah, agreed. I think if I met someone here that was attractive, I would probably dance, maybe cop a feel, but certainly get her number and go out with her another couple of times before sex. Dunno.
CHERIN: The "right" comment was supposed to go with the drunk, young and dumb remark....not a snide, sarcastic reply to my own statement about not doing that anymore. You know, like, "yeah. right."
CHERIN: well, yeah, cop a feel for sure

$3Joe: The funny thing is, when I have slept with someone the same night I met them, it was a guy... not a girl... It was just one of those things where I just wanted sex, and didn’t want to worry about ever seeing that person again. I can’t do that with women... I have way more respect for women, I guess. Dunno
CHERIN: me too!
CHERIN: that's weird. I've only had one night stands with men
CHERIN: I don't know if it's about respect. I think, with men, I was looking for something and didn't want to call it gay....so I kept trying men on

$3Joe: Oh... I always knew I was gay... I was just looking for easy sex... a girl has needs!!! And it was only a couple times.
CHERIN: LOL I knew it....but couldn't accept it.
$3Joe: That’s too bad... Next time I’m in Philly we’ll have to go have a drink and discuss your coming out process in more depth. I’m curious.
CHERIN: Okay. I think you'll be disappointed. :)
CHERIN: It's not that exciting.
CHERIN: What, specifically, are you curious about?

$3Joe: Just the psychology behind what took so long, why you resisted, etc.
CHERIN: Ah...okay. Mostly my family...but there are some interesting parts in there about my aunt.
CHERIN: I knew when I was 13.

$3Joe: Wow...
CHERIN: But I didn't know what it was....just that I was different.
$3Joe: There is this guy here, Ben, he’s like 20. He said he’s known he was gay since the age of 9... but only came out about 2 months ago.
CHERIN: wow.
$3Joe: I’ve known since I was about 5. I had a crush on my Kindergarten teacher and Angie Dickenson (Police Woman)
CHERIN: I knew what to call it around 16....and then my aunt came out when I was 17 or so...and I saw my Dad's reaction....but found out much later that there was more to it then her being gay....he was actually very cool when I came out
CHERIN: 5! Wow!! I can't remember back that far
CHERIN: If I knew before 13, I can't remember

$3Joe: I was such a perv... even at age 5... I used to look down my teacher’s shirt when she bent over my desk... isn’t that funny?
CHERIN: that IS funny!
$3Joe: Probably more than you ever wanted to know
CHERIN: lol....nah...it's okay
CHERIN: I like when people tell me stuff

$3Joe: Am I going to be the next entry on your blog, now? Have I made blog status????? That would be way cool.
CHERIN: and it's rare that I share with many people....so, it's cool that you share with me
$3Joe: I actually haven’t read your blog in a few weeks. I need to catch up
CHERIN: I was just thinking that! I could use this entire conversation
CHERIN: it hasn't been that exciting lately

$3Joe: Well, if I get on there... make sure you tell me so I can tell everyone I know to go check it out... I need my 15 minutes of fame.
CHERIN: okay. can I use this? Cause I'll do it...I'll post the entire thing...and change the screen names...yours will be $3Joe
CHERIN: I'd edit it, too, probably.
CHERIN: Hey, I have a meeting in 3 minutes - and then back-to-back until 5 - and I have to PEE! I'll BRB. But if I don't reply, it’s because someone might be in here....but I'll read it.
$3Joe: I gotta go too... yes you can use the conversation... no worries
$3Joe: Send me an email whenever you post the blog... and give me the URL again. Ciao!

CHERIN: Okay. Will do. Probably tomorrow! See ya!
$3Joe: later...
CHERIN: Is Ciao Spanish?
$3Joe: LOL... nope
$3Joe: Adios

CHERIN: lol was kidding.
CHERIN: bye!

So there it is....Brrrr's 15 minutes of...well, she called it fame but I don't know about that.

Scenes from a Mexican Coffee House...

Yesterday, I had a conversation with a friend and she asked if it was good enough to be blog material. Funny thing was, I was considering it for just such a thing. Before I posted it (almost completely unedited except for spelling), I wanted to ask her if she was sure she wanted this one particular thing shared online.

This afternoon, I saw who I thought was her login to IMs and figured, "great, I can ask her now!". Little did I know what I was in store for.

Here is what ensued.... (I have changed both IM screen names).

$3Joe: wil¿
CHERIN: ? Regarding our conversation the other day....
$3Joe: ?
CHERIN: who is this?
$3Joe: who are you?ç
CHERIN: hmmmm....could AIM have let 2 people have the same screen name? This is your roomy from San Diego
$3Joe: ahhh ok
CHERIN: what did your first response mean? "wil" and an upside down question mark
$3Joe: umm dont understand
CHERIN: nevermind....that's how it came across. how do I know this is who I think it is?
$3Joe: ok ok
$3Joe: hey

CHERIN: what?
$3Joe: i have sleep
CHERIN: I don't think this is who I thought it was...nevermind.
$3Joe: ok
$3Joe: ok but my name is dave
$3Joe: i from mexico
$3Joe: ok

CHERIN: ???!!! definitely not who I thought it was
$3Joe: my name is dave
CHERIN: well, the person I'm looking for IS in Mexico...but it's not Dave
$3Joe: ok
CHERIN: are you using someone else's computer?
$3Joe: meavy, he forget close this session
$3Joe: noo, it is a cyber
CHERIN: ah...that might be why
$3Joe: understand?
CHERIN: I think so. But why are you using someone else's session that was left open by mistake?
$3Joe: i know
$3Joe: one minute close this session
$3Joe: ok

$3Joe: ok
$3Joe: wait
$3Joe: my name is dave and it this my mail
$3Joe: ok
$3Joe: staticx_adek@hotmail.com
CHERIN: Okay. But I don't know you.
$3Joe: jajajaj
CHERIN: And this screen name is a friend of mine and I think you hijacked the session.
$3Joe: noooo
$3Joe: i not hacked this session

CHERIN: Okay. But I still don't know you.
$3Joe: nooo i dont still
$3Joe: this is a mistake
$3Joe: ok

$3Joe: mistake of your friend
CHERIN: How is it my friend's mistake?
$3Joe: yes
$3Joe: your friend forget close this session
$3Joe: sorry
$3Joe: :S

CHERIN: No worries.
$3Joe: okkk
$3Joe: byeee

$3Joe: write me
$3Joe: eH

It would seem that, in Mexico, it's okay to take over a session that is mistakenly left open. It's probably acceptable to rob someone blind if they leave their ATM card in the machine, too.

Or am I just the biggest goodie two shoes ever?

I hope Dave writes back to me.

Holiday Roh oh oh oh oh oh oad....

I’m not watching it, but from everything I’ve read to date, I don’t get “Amazing Race 8: Family Edition”. Travel around the United States – I understand they have not left the country and there are no plans for them to do so – and see as many sites as you can before racing off to the next one, usually packed into a car. Have your kids in tow. Try to see everything you have to and get back as fast as you possibly can. Do all of this without killing each other or the other families with whom you may be traveling.

Isn’t this every family summer vacation ever taken? If I want to watch that, I’ll pull out the boxes and boxes and boxes! of slides that my parents have and watch from start to finish as our smiles fade into scowls, our clothes match less and less (since we screwed up the daily combinations we packed by the third day) and we stand further and further apart in each picture. And then there’s always the token picture of just me and my sister because my brother had become completely unbearable by that point and was deemed unsuitable for posterity.

I’m sure I’m missing something very fundamental about the show. Like I said, I’m not even watching it so I really have no voice in this but I just don’t get it.

Between you and me, I'm not even trying to get it....but it gave me something to write about and I just saw a post about it on the celebrity blog that I read.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Blogger NOT Frogger...Revisited

Except this time it IS Frogger.

Most of my family came for an end of season cookout on Sunday. Mom (Dad wasn’t able to make it), Grandmother, older sis and great new boyfriend, ultra hip niece, her very nice husband and cute kid (yes, I’m a grand-aunt) and my way cool nephew who cracks me up. Towards the end of the afternoon, my grand nephew (that sounds so weird) remembered that I had promised he could get PlayStation 2 going after dinner….the kid remembers everything. We did because I don’t want to be the stupid mean aunt who doesn’t do what she said she would. Plus, I love PS2.

I’m back outside enjoying dessert and tea with my Mom and Grandmother and by the time I go back in, the whole crew has all the games they could find and everyone has joined in. We had a blast.

Now, I told you that to tell you this. After everyone left, I had an urge to see where I left off on Frogger about a hundred (okay, 2) years ago. Last night I find myself, once again, hopping on conveyor belts, molten rocks, moving platforms and pulling and pushing things with my tongue…this is not your father’s Oldsmobile. I think I can see myself hooked for the next week or so. I got as excited as a six year old when I made it past an exceptionally difficult level last night. And let’s face it, a six year old probably would have maneuvered through the same level with his eyes closed. Damn kids. And the new level I'm on....I have NO idea what I'm supposed to do. I'm getting chased by some mechanical dragon and hopping around like an idiot. Maybe I'll figure it out this evening.

We’ll see how hooked I get. I’ve started painting around the house, too, so I may get derailed….specifically, I’m painting walls…not just any old thing around the house.

Just to give you an idea of the difference, here are before and after pictures of Frogger. Say goodbye to logs and trucks….we’re not in Kansas anymore.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Better to Have Watched and Lost...

I’m breaking up with the idea of dating Miranda on “Sex and the City.” (The following views do not represent opinions about Cynthia Nixon, the real person. They are simply about Miranda Hobbes, the fictitious character.)

First things first. Last week, during my foray into who I would date from the show (the equivalent of a literary wet dream?), I mistakenly called the show “Sex In the City”. Not that big a faux pas, if you ask me, and I admit to a brain fart moment. Even during that moment, I had the mental awareness to look it up on the internet and still screwed it up. Maybe the internet is just stupid sometimes. Anyway, I have corrected it, since having such a glaring error out there would keep me up nights and send me into days of therapy.

On to Miranda. My friend B and I finished the first season and have moved on to the second. I’m sure at some point B will abandon me on our journey in cable re-run land and just borrow the DVDs from me. I admit, it’s difficult to not watch ahead at night but I’ve been disciplined thus far. So, as long as she sticks it out, so will I. Besides, I like watching the show with someone.

Look at that, I ventured onto a tangent again. Me. Of all people.

Miranda has gone from the one I would most likely date to the one that I would most likely run over, given the chance. Okay, that’s a little harsh…I’d at least apply the brakes. For one, the hair has just become WAY too red. And I am not opposed to red heads, don’t get me wrong, but she could back light a window in Amsterdam. She needed to take it down a notch from flaming to screaming. Personal preference on my part…I do, however, applaud her individuality. The red hair is not what would keep me from dating her…even I am not that shallow.

What would keep me from dating her is that she’s way too cynical and negative for me. Cynicism and negativity, in doctor recommended doses, is perfectly fine. I am not Pollyanna either. However, when the upbeat, positive comments become an oasis in the Desert of Disdain, it’s too much for me to handle.

Who knows….maybe in future episodes, I will see a glimmer of what I first found attractive about her and change my mind again. You never know.

I guess I’m left with not really wanting to date any of them. I’d still fuck Charlotte and Samantha, though. I’m not a nun.

On an entirely different note…I found a word in the thesaurus that I cannot find in the dictionary. I wonder what that means.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

On the Verge of Techno Weenie

I haven’t done much with the new web site so I’ll just leave it at that, rather then be boring and talk about why. Does it really matter? No. I have, however, learned oodles about domains, domain name transfers and domain privacy. All very interesting. (And oodles is a brave overstatement…I learned a little....like, two or three things...but they were VERY useful.)

What is very cool, however, is that I’m also messing around with similar type technology at work. Microsoft’s SharePoint, to be exact. Trying to explain SharePoint is, for me, a little challenging. It’s like trying to explain how wet feels. It’s, well….wet. You know….wet. Not dry. The book I bought does an excellent job explaining SP, but it also takes several pages to do it. In simplest terms, it’s a web portal. It’s a web site…sort of…but with better collaboration and better “links”. It’s easier to share over SP then on a typical web site.

Regardless, it’s a tool/technology that my company has latched on to like the leeches to those kids in “Stand By Me”. It’s here to stay ….actually, it has been for a while. While I use it here and there for keeping track of things, I haven’t really delved into doing anything with the management site for my organization. And that’s what I’ve been doing a little today. It’s interesting. To the point where I tracked down a book so I could do more then what my feeble little brain could figure out by trial and many errors.

My boss has also encouraged several people around here to start blogging at work. Yeah!! But he means about company related stuff. Yeah. Still cool. So I’m creating a place on the SP site for that as well.

(I don’t believe anything in that previous paragraph crosses the line of “talking about your job” – it’s not as if I was complaining.)

Since I’m on a technology theme here, I’ll also throw in here that Andrew Sullivan’s site was hacked last night. When I checked in this morning, as I always do to skim his headlines, there was a big message about it - from the hackers themselves. Idiots. All is restored now and one of the entries indicates that he has a lead on who might have done it.

Big loser. Get a real job and stop being an oxygen thief.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Sex and the City

When “Sex and the City” first aired on HBO, I didn’t have HBO. Truth be told, I still don’t but I’ll soon be making the switch from Showtime to HBO – I had to have Showtime to watch “Queer As Folk”, which is now over. Not having HBO didn’t keep me from hearing all the hubbub around SATC and I’ve finally found the time to start watching it from the beginning via the wonderful magic of DVD. BTW – my life will soon be available on DVD as well. The first season will be released next Tuesday; “Cherry Indigo: The Pamper Years” (I always use my alias, of course). Look for it in stores. Seriously, taking a stroll down the TV show section of the DVD aisle at Circuit City is like taking a stroll through the television years of my youth.

There’s “Three’s Company” – did anyone ever figure out what the second to last line of the song was before looking it up on the Internet years later? I didn’t…here is the last verse:

You'll see that life is a frolic
And laughter is calling for you...
Down at our rendezvous
Three's company, too

“Little House on the Prairie” is now on DVD, where EVERY episode was “a very special” one. Laura going blind and the little house burning down were the two most special episodes. Though I can’t recall if the little house burned before the house on Walton Mountain burned. Stupid John Boy and his pipe. And who in the hell calls their kid John Boy? If my parents ever called me Cindy Girl, I would have run away. Could they not distinguish him from their daughter John?

“Sanford and Son” – which I never watched. And the list goes on and on; “Welcome Back Kotter”, “Speed Racer”, “Dukes of Hazard”, Happy Days”, etc.

Wow…to say I digress is a huge understatement….I went totally off track there…so much for unifying themes. Back to “Sexand the City”. As I was saying, I’ve begun watching the first season as of last week and I have 3 episodes to go. My friend B has never seen it either so she’s been watching it with me. We usually grab something for dinner and watch two or three episodes. It was easy to get invested in this series. At some point, of course, the topic of “which one would you sleep with/date?” came up. I gotta say…it would be Miranda. My reasoning for this group of women is as follows:

Samantha: While she is attractive, she’s a little too out there for me. I would LOVE hanging out with her and my wild side would be eternally grateful. She’s funny and no-nonsense and I love that. But to sleep with her…well, let’s just be honest…she’s too much of a whore for my tastes. But for a one-night stand, I’d pick Sam because there’d be no expectations afterwards.

Carrie: She just does nothing for me in the dating sense. Carrie is the person I’d be best friends with and spend hours over lunch or dinner or coffee, talking and laughing. She’s smart and insightful and looks at the world in a way that I like…and she questions everything from different perspectives…which I love to do. Carrie is the person I’d play Devil’s Advocate (my favorite game) with all day long and she’d never miss a beat. But she does nothing for me physically. But I love how Carrie communicates.

Charlotte: I’d sleep with Charlotte because she’s very attractive and sweet and honest. But Charlotte needs an edge and she doesn’t have one that I’ve seen yet. I was hopeful in the episode about threesomes but she couldn’t hold her own in the end. I can see Charlotte being someone I’d date a few times and definitely sleep with but I think I’d get bored very quickly. I know, I’m very shallow. She is also someone I’d be great friends with and that sensitive soul with whom I could relax and explore all those emotional avenues that people don’t spend enough time traveling.

Miranda: While Miranda seems to have it all; she’s attractive, she’s smart, she’s funny and she does seem to have feelings…she’s too in your face. She doesn’t let enough feelings come through….or at least I haven’t seen that yet. But she seems like the one I’d connect with from a dating/sleeping with perspective. I think. I waver on Miranda as I get to know the character better. She’s almost too cynical for me.

Of course, the perfect woman is all of them rolled into one….isn’t that one of the underlying themes in the show? In the end, if I HAD to choose, it would probably be Miranda but, given the choice, none of them do enough for me in a general sense.

While we were watching the threesome episode, that question came up, too. Would you ever consider it? This is a tough one for me. I’ve had my wild oat sowing days and, maybe, I could have done it then…I don’t know. For me, it’s a huge dichotomy. I can only use an example of someone with whom I am REALLY in love. On the one hand, I would never want to share that person with someone else in our bed. Ever. On the other hand, if that person wanted to try it that badly, I’d have to seriously consider it because I’d love her so much that I’d want her to be happy. If the real situation ever came up, I’d probably get physically sick in the decision making process.

It’s also one of those double edged swords when you are answering this for a lover or perspective lover. If you say no, it makes you a prude and narrow minded and unwilling to experiment sexually. It also makes you incredibly loyal and devoted. If you say yes, it makes you a wild lover and an open minded person but it also makes you someone who possibly doesn’t place enough value on your relationship or your lover’s feelings.

In the end, all you can do is be honest and take your chances with the reaction. And for me, I have to say, in this time and space, my answer is no….I don’t think I could do it and, quite frankly, I have no desire to. Maybe at a different time in my life I would answer another way.

In any case, I’d have to be really drunk. Of that much I am sure.

Carrie Bradshaw has the best job ever.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Nothing in Particular

I am not one to generally bitch and complain about sports and specific wins and losses but yesterday’s Eagles game was just hideous. I would have loved to have been a water bottle on the sidelines and have heard what was going on with McNabb and coach Andy Reid. Was Reid asking him to tough it out and stay in or was McNabb refusing to acknowledge how hurt he really was? And if it was the latter, why didn’t Reid exercise his authority as a coach and sit him on the bench anyway? From all documented accounts thus far that I’ve seen, Reid admits to not thinking about replacing McNabb…..until there was just over a couple minutes to go and, for some unknown reason, it seemed like the right time to him. To McNabb’s credit (I think) he did not blame the loss on his injuries. And it wouldn’t be right for anyone else too, either. I don’t think his being sacked 4 times had anything to do with his injured chest and groin (which is being called a sports hernia).

I don’t know how a sports hernia differs from a regular hernia but they both sound bad to me. Is “sports hernia” a fancy name for a really bad pulled groin? They both require surgery to properly repair so I’m still left a bit confused. I can’t imagine McNabb will make it through 11 more games and the playoffs in the shape he is in. The real question is, can the Eagles, as a team, make it to the playoffs if McNabb takes 4-6 weeks off to get his sports hernia fixed?


So (I start too many sentences with “so”…the next person who catches me doing that, inappropriately, gets a drink on me) this web site thing, of course, is a little harder then I first imagined it would be. But that’s okay….it just means I’ll learn more…or drink more. Or learn to drink more. I did finally find a web hosting service that seemed like the right one…although I’m kicking myself just a little for not just sticking with Yahoo!. It was too far on one side of the learning curve and this might be too far on the other side. It remains to be seen. And I have my web site creation software. I know that, in order to still use Blogger and have it publish to my site, I have to reconfigure Blogger to my new ftp server. I’m not quite ready to do that, however, because it releases the name and I’m not ready to screw with this area yet. So, it’s a safe bet that this will remain my main blog spot for more then just a couple weeks.

I was thinking about something I read in “Freakonomics” about unifying themes. The authors said that most books – especially those that include many different topics – have unifying themes…something that ties it all together. I was speculating as to whether or not I should try to do that. A lot of the sites, of course, do that and the themes might include politics, religion, sports, cooking (yuck), entertainment, etc. I’ve blathered on about all of them except cooking – don’t look for recipes on here any time soon. So, (that was an appropriate use) I’ve decided that my unifying theme is the over opinionated diatribes of me. In other words, nothing changes and I just keep on babbling away.

Friday, October 07, 2005


I can’t BELIEVE I forgot to comment on this particular item. Kat(i)e Holmes is pregnant with Tom’s child!! And, Scientology dictates that she must have a silent birth because they feel it’s stressful for a child to enter the world listening to the mother screaming and moaning. She also isn’t allowed drugs….can you freaking imagine?

For me, this begs the question of whether Tom and his ego were trying to prove that Tom is not gay and does have sex with women. I also wonder if Tom has been looking for a breeder since the demise of his marriage to Nicole to carry on his family name. He seems arrogant enough to do that. And let’s face it, he’s an, ahem, actor – maybe Tom is getting through his life by pretending it’s a movie. If that’s the case, it’s a little sad but it explains a lot.

Or, I guess, they're in love. There’s always that option.

New Digs

I’ve missed a couple days on here because I’ve been researching web hosting services. I’m not sure exactly what came over me – maybe I was inspired by a couple other sites I visit – but out of curiosity, I checked on the availability of www.cherryindigo.com (or .net). Lo and behold, it was available so, what the hell, I registered it (com, not net). I officially own it for the next couple years.

In the coming weeks – as I figure things out – I’ll be transferring everything here over to that site and will use that for blogging and God knows what else. For now, there is just a started page out there. I’m really not sure what is spurring this on except that I used to be pretty into technology and, as I’ve been blogging, there are things I’ve wanted to do to this page and it’s a little limiting. So I’m branching out, just for the pure fun of it…and I’ll learn a lot, too. I have all kinds of ideas about what I might do on that page – we’ll see. I don’t want to become too obsessed and geek like about it.

And I hold no illusions that anyone really even pays attention to this except maybe a few misguided souls who are nice enough to indulge me. It’s more a little project that I think will be fun for me and re-sharpen the skills that I’ve lost over the past several years. I’m shocked at what I used to know versus what I no longer know.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Have No Control, Will Travel

Well, that didn't last long.

I now have on my desk two pieces of 12 grain toast, slathered with peanut butter (yum) and a sugar-free Red Bull. We'll see how this works.

My willpower and discipline are for shit these days.

Getting DIzzy.....Feeling Weak.....

First day without a Red Bull in the morning…I feel weird. I miss the not quite citrus, sort-of-metallic-but-not-really taste. I miss the light carbonation and the skinny can – and where is that distinct aftertaste? What will my body do without the Taurine flowing through my veins? I felt like a traitor, reaching past the familiar can in the cafeteria cooler and, instead, grabbing a carton of skim milk to go with the container of Special K- with red berries! I’m a little frightened of the “strawberries” in the Special K. I showed them to Dave, who sits outside my office, and he says they were probably strawberries at one point in their lives. I’m about half way through the container and the cereal is starting to get soggy. Hmm. And the milk is getting pink from the strawberry like substances. I don’t think I can finish this. It might be time to start having cereal at home. Special K would not be a choice of mine….but it was the healthiest thing they had down there. Good thing the cafeteria stays open until 10:30.


I’m officially hooked on “Commander in Chief”. On Monday I saw a commercial hailing it as “the best new show on Tuesday night”. I was on the phone with a friend and asked her, “How can they say that, there’s only been one episode?” But, after 2 episodes, I’m in. And I know that some of the drama will be predictable and the lines cliché, but I don’t care. It’s interesting to me. When “The West Wing” came on television I was an early-to-bed kinda gal and asleep by 10:00, so I never saw it. That might be part of the reason I’m excited about this show….it’s a new experience for me.

My one beef would be that Geena Davis’ character doesn’t seem bitchy enough to have made it this far. And maybe she isn’t…let’s face it, she was selected as a VP candidate to get votes. Period. It’ll be interesting to see if she grows a set. I wonder if the 2 years she has in this office count as a term? She was elected VP, not President. Can she still be elected for 2 more terms in that office? I think she can….but I have to look it up. I recently bought the “Idiot’s Guide to American Government”. Why? Because, for one, I was (am) reading “A People’s History of the United States” and realized just how much I’d forgotten from school about how the government is set up. Secondly, I am a self-proclaimed idiot. And third, I’m one of those people who gets obsessed with a subject for a while and tries to read as much as I can about it….I guess government is my new thing for now.


I’m hungry. It’s only 8:21. I’m going to have to get some toast or something. Maybe I can have the Red Bull with toast and just cut out my English muffin and egg sammich for now. Baby steps.