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Monday, October 17, 2005

Better to Have Watched and Lost...

I’m breaking up with the idea of dating Miranda on “Sex and the City.” (The following views do not represent opinions about Cynthia Nixon, the real person. They are simply about Miranda Hobbes, the fictitious character.)

First things first. Last week, during my foray into who I would date from the show (the equivalent of a literary wet dream?), I mistakenly called the show “Sex In the City”. Not that big a faux pas, if you ask me, and I admit to a brain fart moment. Even during that moment, I had the mental awareness to look it up on the internet and still screwed it up. Maybe the internet is just stupid sometimes. Anyway, I have corrected it, since having such a glaring error out there would keep me up nights and send me into days of therapy.

On to Miranda. My friend B and I finished the first season and have moved on to the second. I’m sure at some point B will abandon me on our journey in cable re-run land and just borrow the DVDs from me. I admit, it’s difficult to not watch ahead at night but I’ve been disciplined thus far. So, as long as she sticks it out, so will I. Besides, I like watching the show with someone.

Look at that, I ventured onto a tangent again. Me. Of all people.

Miranda has gone from the one I would most likely date to the one that I would most likely run over, given the chance. Okay, that’s a little harsh…I’d at least apply the brakes. For one, the hair has just become WAY too red. And I am not opposed to red heads, don’t get me wrong, but she could back light a window in Amsterdam. She needed to take it down a notch from flaming to screaming. Personal preference on my part…I do, however, applaud her individuality. The red hair is not what would keep me from dating her…even I am not that shallow.

What would keep me from dating her is that she’s way too cynical and negative for me. Cynicism and negativity, in doctor recommended doses, is perfectly fine. I am not Pollyanna either. However, when the upbeat, positive comments become an oasis in the Desert of Disdain, it’s too much for me to handle.

Who knows….maybe in future episodes, I will see a glimmer of what I first found attractive about her and change my mind again. You never know.

I guess I’m left with not really wanting to date any of them. I’d still fuck Charlotte and Samantha, though. I’m not a nun.

On an entirely different note…I found a word in the thesaurus that I cannot find in the dictionary. I wonder what that means.


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