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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

On the Verge of Techno Weenie

I haven’t done much with the new web site so I’ll just leave it at that, rather then be boring and talk about why. Does it really matter? No. I have, however, learned oodles about domains, domain name transfers and domain privacy. All very interesting. (And oodles is a brave overstatement…I learned a little....like, two or three things...but they were VERY useful.)

What is very cool, however, is that I’m also messing around with similar type technology at work. Microsoft’s SharePoint, to be exact. Trying to explain SharePoint is, for me, a little challenging. It’s like trying to explain how wet feels. It’s, well….wet. You know….wet. Not dry. The book I bought does an excellent job explaining SP, but it also takes several pages to do it. In simplest terms, it’s a web portal. It’s a web site…sort of…but with better collaboration and better “links”. It’s easier to share over SP then on a typical web site.

Regardless, it’s a tool/technology that my company has latched on to like the leeches to those kids in “Stand By Me”. It’s here to stay ….actually, it has been for a while. While I use it here and there for keeping track of things, I haven’t really delved into doing anything with the management site for my organization. And that’s what I’ve been doing a little today. It’s interesting. To the point where I tracked down a book so I could do more then what my feeble little brain could figure out by trial and many errors.

My boss has also encouraged several people around here to start blogging at work. Yeah!! But he means about company related stuff. Yeah. Still cool. So I’m creating a place on the SP site for that as well.

(I don’t believe anything in that previous paragraph crosses the line of “talking about your job” – it’s not as if I was complaining.)

Since I’m on a technology theme here, I’ll also throw in here that Andrew Sullivan’s site was hacked last night. When I checked in this morning, as I always do to skim his headlines, there was a big message about it - from the hackers themselves. Idiots. All is restored now and one of the entries indicates that he has a lead on who might have done it.

Big loser. Get a real job and stop being an oxygen thief.


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