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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Sex and the City

When “Sex and the City” first aired on HBO, I didn’t have HBO. Truth be told, I still don’t but I’ll soon be making the switch from Showtime to HBO – I had to have Showtime to watch “Queer As Folk”, which is now over. Not having HBO didn’t keep me from hearing all the hubbub around SATC and I’ve finally found the time to start watching it from the beginning via the wonderful magic of DVD. BTW – my life will soon be available on DVD as well. The first season will be released next Tuesday; “Cherry Indigo: The Pamper Years” (I always use my alias, of course). Look for it in stores. Seriously, taking a stroll down the TV show section of the DVD aisle at Circuit City is like taking a stroll through the television years of my youth.

There’s “Three’s Company” – did anyone ever figure out what the second to last line of the song was before looking it up on the Internet years later? I didn’t…here is the last verse:

You'll see that life is a frolic
And laughter is calling for you...
Down at our rendezvous
Three's company, too

“Little House on the Prairie” is now on DVD, where EVERY episode was “a very special” one. Laura going blind and the little house burning down were the two most special episodes. Though I can’t recall if the little house burned before the house on Walton Mountain burned. Stupid John Boy and his pipe. And who in the hell calls their kid John Boy? If my parents ever called me Cindy Girl, I would have run away. Could they not distinguish him from their daughter John?

“Sanford and Son” – which I never watched. And the list goes on and on; “Welcome Back Kotter”, “Speed Racer”, “Dukes of Hazard”, Happy Days”, etc.

Wow…to say I digress is a huge understatement….I went totally off track there…so much for unifying themes. Back to “Sexand the City”. As I was saying, I’ve begun watching the first season as of last week and I have 3 episodes to go. My friend B has never seen it either so she’s been watching it with me. We usually grab something for dinner and watch two or three episodes. It was easy to get invested in this series. At some point, of course, the topic of “which one would you sleep with/date?” came up. I gotta say…it would be Miranda. My reasoning for this group of women is as follows:

Samantha: While she is attractive, she’s a little too out there for me. I would LOVE hanging out with her and my wild side would be eternally grateful. She’s funny and no-nonsense and I love that. But to sleep with her…well, let’s just be honest…she’s too much of a whore for my tastes. But for a one-night stand, I’d pick Sam because there’d be no expectations afterwards.

Carrie: She just does nothing for me in the dating sense. Carrie is the person I’d be best friends with and spend hours over lunch or dinner or coffee, talking and laughing. She’s smart and insightful and looks at the world in a way that I like…and she questions everything from different perspectives…which I love to do. Carrie is the person I’d play Devil’s Advocate (my favorite game) with all day long and she’d never miss a beat. But she does nothing for me physically. But I love how Carrie communicates.

Charlotte: I’d sleep with Charlotte because she’s very attractive and sweet and honest. But Charlotte needs an edge and she doesn’t have one that I’ve seen yet. I was hopeful in the episode about threesomes but she couldn’t hold her own in the end. I can see Charlotte being someone I’d date a few times and definitely sleep with but I think I’d get bored very quickly. I know, I’m very shallow. She is also someone I’d be great friends with and that sensitive soul with whom I could relax and explore all those emotional avenues that people don’t spend enough time traveling.

Miranda: While Miranda seems to have it all; she’s attractive, she’s smart, she’s funny and she does seem to have feelings…she’s too in your face. She doesn’t let enough feelings come through….or at least I haven’t seen that yet. But she seems like the one I’d connect with from a dating/sleeping with perspective. I think. I waver on Miranda as I get to know the character better. She’s almost too cynical for me.

Of course, the perfect woman is all of them rolled into one….isn’t that one of the underlying themes in the show? In the end, if I HAD to choose, it would probably be Miranda but, given the choice, none of them do enough for me in a general sense.

While we were watching the threesome episode, that question came up, too. Would you ever consider it? This is a tough one for me. I’ve had my wild oat sowing days and, maybe, I could have done it then…I don’t know. For me, it’s a huge dichotomy. I can only use an example of someone with whom I am REALLY in love. On the one hand, I would never want to share that person with someone else in our bed. Ever. On the other hand, if that person wanted to try it that badly, I’d have to seriously consider it because I’d love her so much that I’d want her to be happy. If the real situation ever came up, I’d probably get physically sick in the decision making process.

It’s also one of those double edged swords when you are answering this for a lover or perspective lover. If you say no, it makes you a prude and narrow minded and unwilling to experiment sexually. It also makes you incredibly loyal and devoted. If you say yes, it makes you a wild lover and an open minded person but it also makes you someone who possibly doesn’t place enough value on your relationship or your lover’s feelings.

In the end, all you can do is be honest and take your chances with the reaction. And for me, I have to say, in this time and space, my answer is no….I don’t think I could do it and, quite frankly, I have no desire to. Maybe at a different time in my life I would answer another way.

In any case, I’d have to be really drunk. Of that much I am sure.

Carrie Bradshaw has the best job ever.


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