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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Holiday Roh oh oh oh oh oh oad....

I’m not watching it, but from everything I’ve read to date, I don’t get “Amazing Race 8: Family Edition”. Travel around the United States – I understand they have not left the country and there are no plans for them to do so – and see as many sites as you can before racing off to the next one, usually packed into a car. Have your kids in tow. Try to see everything you have to and get back as fast as you possibly can. Do all of this without killing each other or the other families with whom you may be traveling.

Isn’t this every family summer vacation ever taken? If I want to watch that, I’ll pull out the boxes and boxes and boxes! of slides that my parents have and watch from start to finish as our smiles fade into scowls, our clothes match less and less (since we screwed up the daily combinations we packed by the third day) and we stand further and further apart in each picture. And then there’s always the token picture of just me and my sister because my brother had become completely unbearable by that point and was deemed unsuitable for posterity.

I’m sure I’m missing something very fundamental about the show. Like I said, I’m not even watching it so I really have no voice in this but I just don’t get it.

Between you and me, I'm not even trying to get it....but it gave me something to write about and I just saw a post about it on the celebrity blog that I read.


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