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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Scenes from a Mexican Coffee House...

Yesterday, I had a conversation with a friend and she asked if it was good enough to be blog material. Funny thing was, I was considering it for just such a thing. Before I posted it (almost completely unedited except for spelling), I wanted to ask her if she was sure she wanted this one particular thing shared online.

This afternoon, I saw who I thought was her login to IMs and figured, "great, I can ask her now!". Little did I know what I was in store for.

Here is what ensued.... (I have changed both IM screen names).

$3Joe: wil¿
CHERIN: ? Regarding our conversation the other day....
$3Joe: ?
CHERIN: who is this?
$3Joe: who are you?ç
CHERIN: hmmmm....could AIM have let 2 people have the same screen name? This is your roomy from San Diego
$3Joe: ahhh ok
CHERIN: what did your first response mean? "wil" and an upside down question mark
$3Joe: umm dont understand
CHERIN: nevermind....that's how it came across. how do I know this is who I think it is?
$3Joe: ok ok
$3Joe: hey

CHERIN: what?
$3Joe: i have sleep
CHERIN: I don't think this is who I thought it was...nevermind.
$3Joe: ok
$3Joe: ok but my name is dave
$3Joe: i from mexico
$3Joe: ok

CHERIN: ???!!! definitely not who I thought it was
$3Joe: my name is dave
CHERIN: well, the person I'm looking for IS in Mexico...but it's not Dave
$3Joe: ok
CHERIN: are you using someone else's computer?
$3Joe: meavy, he forget close this session
$3Joe: noo, it is a cyber
CHERIN: ah...that might be why
$3Joe: understand?
CHERIN: I think so. But why are you using someone else's session that was left open by mistake?
$3Joe: i know
$3Joe: one minute close this session
$3Joe: ok

$3Joe: ok
$3Joe: wait
$3Joe: my name is dave and it this my mail
$3Joe: ok
$3Joe: staticx_adek@hotmail.com
CHERIN: Okay. But I don't know you.
$3Joe: jajajaj
CHERIN: And this screen name is a friend of mine and I think you hijacked the session.
$3Joe: noooo
$3Joe: i not hacked this session

CHERIN: Okay. But I still don't know you.
$3Joe: nooo i dont still
$3Joe: this is a mistake
$3Joe: ok

$3Joe: mistake of your friend
CHERIN: How is it my friend's mistake?
$3Joe: yes
$3Joe: your friend forget close this session
$3Joe: sorry
$3Joe: :S

CHERIN: No worries.
$3Joe: okkk
$3Joe: byeee

$3Joe: write me
$3Joe: eH

It would seem that, in Mexico, it's okay to take over a session that is mistakenly left open. It's probably acceptable to rob someone blind if they leave their ATM card in the machine, too.

Or am I just the biggest goodie two shoes ever?

I hope Dave writes back to me.


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