Now Entering Middle Earth...
This is too funny. When I checked on Wil Wheaton's site this morning, he had this survey on there; "Which Sci-Fi Character Are You?". I've already admitted that I do like sci-fi...and for anyone out there rolling your eyes and shaking your head, here's a news flash for you. If you liked "Star Wars", "E.T.", "Lord of the Rings", "X-Files", "Battlestar Gallactica", "Star Trek", "War of the Worlds" (the story, not necessarily the movie) or anything remotely like those, you like sci-fi, least on some level. Sorry to break it to you.Getting back to the survey...
It was very short and there were even some not so typical questions in there about bribes and immortality. Anyway, I am Galadriel. At least I was the first time I took it. Since there were a couple questions that I could have gone either way on, I may take it again and see if the combination of answers compliment one another.
The narrative that goes along with this result is:
Possessing a rare combination of wisdom and humility, while serenely dominating your environment, you selflessly use your powers to care for others.
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."
Galadriel is a character in the Middle-Earth universe. ("Lord of the Rings") I'm okay with this result...especially since Cate Blanchett portrayed the charater and rumor has it that Cate and Gillian Anderson (Scully from "The X-Files") were lovers for a while. And I had a big time crush on Scully. In my warped sense of thinking, this as close as I'll ever get to sleeping with Gillian Anderson. It's like a surreal sci-fi threesome. I wonder if we gain the ability to hover...that would be cool.
I took it again and it turned out the same.
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