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Typing 101
I am not so much in the mood to write this evening as I am in the mood to type. Weird, huh? Yeah, I know. I love the sound of the keys clacking away like a little miniature tap-dance recital that I control with my fingers…like puppet tap dancing but without the puppets. Puppetless. Cool word. Puppetless. Puppet-free (notice the stylish hyphen). Sans puppets.
Marionette CabaretThe Kruschen Sisters
I digress...a LOT.For whatever reason, I am typing really well today…fast, accurate, hitting everything just right. It’s so cool. I don’t always have good typing days. Like bad hair days, it is possible to have a bad typing day and you find yourself back spacing all the time. That’s no good. One of my favorite, childish things to do is to keep typing whatever sentence I’m in the middle of when someone walks into my office and see if I can look at that person, be part of the conversation (blank stares while I finish the sentence in my head don’t count) and finish whatever I was composing. Then I like to check and see if I have any mistakes. More often then not, I don’t. Way cool. (You already know I’m a dork so just deal.)
I got a new keyboard a couple weeks ago. It’s semi-ergonomic. Yes, that’s a real thing. I know it doesn’t sound like it but, trust me, it is. It’s isn’t one of those really, really ergo boards. It’s only slightly tilted in and split in the middle so your right hand and left hand have to type more correctly.
I was being REALLY careful about not getting crumbs in it and keeping it clean. I did pretty well the first week. Just getting back from vacation, I completely forgot my original goal and had popcorn this afternoon. I think it was after my fingers slipped off a couple keys that I remembered. I’ll make sure it’s fine tomorrow and get it all spiffy clean again.
Here’s a picture of it. (Yes, I got the mouse, too...4-way scrolling!)
So there is my typing for the evening. I could actually keep going but I have nothing to share…I just want to type. If I were really ambitious, I would type a bunch of stuff for work and possibly get something done. Alas, I am in no such state of ambition tonight. I’m just going to iron and go to bed. (Is it obvious that I’m just making up things to write about so that I can keep typing? Yeah, I thought so, too.)
Since Sunday I've been in Ft. Lauderdale at the softball World Series! This isn't for my regular team, I'm a pick-up player for Iced Tea Not Coke's team. It's hot outside, freezing in the hotel lobby, relaxing in the pool and fun all the time. Oh...and we've played two games so far, splitting 1-1. Another game this morning and the afternoon off at the beach, if it doesn't rain.There was a violent thurnderstorm Monday night and we saw two transformers hit by lightening on the way to dinner....one was right across the street from where we were sitting at a light. We miss JenP, our little karaoke songbird, who worked her ass off at concessions each week to help get us here. Looking forward to more softball today!Side note: Can I point out how hap-hap-happy I am that the political campaign commercials have started to air? SO excited about that!
Heatwave: 1 _______ Air Conditioning: 0
The air conditioner has officially lost it’s battle with the heat. I feel bad for the poor little thing….it tries and tries and tries. The system has got to be almost as old as the house….I’m convinced it’s the original one. Then the dolts that owned this place a couple owners back put an addition on the place and didn’t upgrade the system. It’s been fighting ever since.
So reinforcements have been brought in until I can get someone in here to replace the ole boy and let him rest in that special place in heaven reserved just for old air conditioners. It seems only fair…it’s the farthest they can get them from hell and, let’s face it, they don’t stand a chance there.
There are now two, new troops in the fight, helping him limp along. One in the bedroom and one in here, the sort-of office. It’s like a freezer in here now. HAWESOME!!
I’m officially ready for fall. Truth be told, I’m always ready for fall, all year round. However, now I’ve got the itch. My spirit needs to be scratched by colorful leaves, chilly nights, fleece pullovers, football, Halloween, brisk walks in the city twilight, sweaters, leather jackets, easy hikes, boots, hot chocolate and the smell of burning leaves.

I want to feel this way again...
“I could go crazy on a night like tonightWhen summer's beginning to give up her fight”
An ice cube that’s been slipped down your back and then held against your skin, as you squirm underneath the cold.
The last 3 minutes of a shower, that seem like forever, when you’ve used up all the hot water and still have shampoo or conditioner to rinse out of your hair.
Your car seat on a February, snowy morning, when the leather ever-so-gently cracks under you and the cold seeps right through your jeans and against your skin.
Waiting on the platform for a train, that's late, in Chicago….in the evening…in January....as the wind blasts down the tracks.
The ocean in April, when you’re just brave enough to dip your toes in and a wave sneaks up and breaks against your legs, right up to your knees.
Realizing on the first really cold morning of the year, that your heater is not working and the repair guy can’t get there until that afternoon.
Getting snow up the sleeve of your coat.
The same friend managing, by chance, to actually land the ice cube in the v-neck of your shirt and having it slide right into your bra.
The blocks of ice encasing the tragic climbers who did not succeed in their ascent against Mt. Everest.
Being downtown on a frigid winter morning and having the wind whip right between the buildings and down the sidewalk.
The last few Eagles games of the season, in the 300 level seats.
Grabbing your scraper to attack the ice on your windows and accidentally locking yourself outside your car….and being stuck out there for a while….in the fading light of the day.
A flagpole in December that your friends have somehow convinced you to stick your tongue against. Dumb ass.
The waters of the North Atlantic in April, where the Titanic sunk in the middle of the night.
Forgetting from last year just how cold the toilet seat will be in the morning until your ass hits it and makes you jump a little.
Getting caught with the wrong shoes on and accidentally stepping in a slushy puddle of ice and snow.
Dipping your feet in an ice cold mountain stream after the first thaw….and keeping them there until it actually hurts, because your friend dared you to.
Would LOVE to hear more....anyone? Shout 'em out, don't be shy!!
An Inconvenient Truth
I was in Arizona for business last week - or the week before, I really don't even know anymore. Tucson, to be exact. I believe only hell alone is hotter than Arizona in July.
The woman who books our travel put us in the Hilton East. A nice place. I’m not sure if she did it intentionally, but she had us on the executive floor. I always love the executive floor because you have everything right there….you can eat your continental breakfast with the other business drones and don’t have to listen to the tourist planning their day’s events around seeing the world’s biggest rattlesnake turd. Although, I can’t imagine who would want to vacation in Tucson in July. Regardless, I always like being on the business floor, it’s convenient.
So, arounds'about 11pm (you have to speak like that in Tucson), I remember that I have a Red Bull in my bag and want to keep it chilled overnight. Grabbing my ice bucket, and not bothering to put shoes on (I do have on socks), I head down the hall toward the elevators where the ice machine typically is. It’s not there. I search around a bit and finally consult the little map. What? No vending machines and ice? I don’t understand. Then I spot it….THE SIGN…
“For your convenience, ice machines are located on floors 3, 4 and 6.”
For my convenience? I am on floor 7…the convenient, business oriented, amenity-filled executive floor. How is it convenient for me - and it's all about me at 11pm - that ice is on floors 3, 4 and 6? That’s not convenient at all. It’s absolutely inconvenient.
To make matters worse, the ice machine on floor 6 has been burglarized by ruffian teens staying in the hotel and no longer works. How the hell do you break an ice machine of all things? So I had to go to floor 4. In my socks. I finally managed to get ice. I really wanted to dump a bucket full over the railing and into the oh-so-tastefully-decorated atrium/lobby.
I’m glad the Hilton is on my side and trying to make things easier for me….otherwise, I might have had to go to freaking Alaska to get ice. Next time, I’ll make it extremely convenient for me and just order ice from room service.
That’ll teach ‘em.P.S. Dear Iced Tea Not Coke - back on a blogging roll, 3 days running....you dare to dis me in your blog?....BRING IT, SISTAH! ;)