An ice cube that’s been slipped down your back and then held against your skin, as you squirm underneath the cold.
The last 3 minutes of a shower, that seem like forever, when you’ve used up all the hot water and still have shampoo or conditioner to rinse out of your hair.
Your car seat on a February, snowy morning, when the leather ever-so-gently cracks under you and the cold seeps right through your jeans and against your skin.

The ocean in April, when you’re just brave enough to dip your toes in and a wave sneaks up and breaks against your legs, right up to your knees.
Realizing on the first really cold morning of the year, that your heater is not working and the repair guy can’t get there until that afternoon.
Getting snow up the sleeve of your coat.
The same friend managing, by chance, to actually land the ice cube in the v-neck of your shirt and having it slide right into your bra.
The blocks of ice encasing the tragic climbers who did not succeed in their ascent against Mt. Everest.
Being downtown on a frigid winter morning and having the wind whip right between the buildings and down the sidewalk.
The last few Eagles games of the season, in the 300 level seats.

A flagpole in December that your friends have somehow convinced you to stick your tongue against. Dumb ass.
The waters of the North Atlantic in April, where the Titanic sunk in the middle of the night.
Forgetting from last year just how cold the toilet seat will be in the morning until your ass hits it and makes you jump a little.
Getting caught with the wrong shoes on and accidentally stepping in a slushy puddle of ice and snow.
Dipping your feet in an ice cold mountain stream after the first thaw….and keeping them there until it actually hurts, because your friend dared you to.

Would LOVE to hear more....anyone?
Shout 'em out, don't be shy!!
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