Typing 101
I am not so much in the mood to write this evening as I am in the mood to type. Weird, huh? Yeah, I know. I love the sound of the keys clacking away like a little miniature tap-dance recital that I control with my fingers…like puppet tap dancing but without the puppets. Puppetless. Cool word. Puppetless. Puppet-free (notice the stylish hyphen). Sans puppets.
Marionette Cabaret
The Kruschen Sisters
I digress...a LOT.
For whatever reason, I am typing really well today…fast, accurate, hitting everything just right. It’s so cool. I don’t always have good typing days. Like bad hair days, it is possible to have a bad typing day and you find yourself back spacing all the time. That’s no good. One of my favorite, childish things to do is to keep typing whatever sentence I’m in the middle of when someone walks into my office and see if I can look at that person, be part of the conversation (blank stares while I finish the sentence in my head don’t count) and finish whatever I was composing. Then I like to check and see if I have any mistakes. More often then not, I don’t. Way cool. (You already know I’m a dork so just deal.)
I got a new keyboard a couple weeks ago. It’s semi-ergonomic. Yes, that’s a real thing. I know it doesn’t sound like it but, trust me, it is. It’s isn’t one of those really, really ergo boards. It’s only slightly tilted in and split in the middle so your right hand and left hand have to type more correctly.
I was being REALLY careful about not getting crumbs in it and keeping it clean. I did pretty well the first week. Just getting back from vacation, I completely forgot my original goal and had popcorn this afternoon. I think it was after my fingers slipped off a couple keys that I remembered. I’ll make sure it’s fine tomorrow and get it all spiffy clean again.
Here’s a picture of it. (Yes, I got the mouse, too...4-way scrolling!)

So there is my typing for the evening. I could actually keep going but I have nothing to share…I just want to type. If I were really ambitious, I would type a bunch of stuff for work and possibly get something done. Alas, I am in no such state of ambition tonight. I’m just going to iron and go to bed. (Is it obvious that I’m just making up things to write about so that I can keep typing? Yeah, I thought so, too.)
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