Takin' It To The Streets
A week has passed and I didn’t have to hear the name Taylor Hicks even once. How nice. It was wonderful. I have nothing against him personally, I just can’t get past the fact that he’s the “American Idol” and Americans VOTED FOR THAT RESULT. It’s the election all over again. Egads. I just didn’t think he was THAT good. And I didn't buy the gracious competitor bit for a second. He's definitely a showman, I'll give him that. Once Chris was out of the running, I just couldn’t stay interested. Even Katherine couldn’t hold my attention very well, singing everything from the floor. And then poor Elliot got ditched just when I started to route for him. But Taylor? REALLY?! “American Idol” may have just left the ramp and is currently in flight directly over the shark.A few of us at work were talking about the fact that more people voted for the final between Katherine and Taylor then they have in any presidential election. Of course, that’s possible because you can vote more then once. Then we started joking about what it would be like to actually hold the presidential elections that way. When you give it some thought, it could be an interesting way to do things, while still keeping voter registration intact.
They could start with the primaries and have the Democrats and Republicans debate one another. At the end of the show, you vote for your candidate….until we’re down to a Democrat and Republican nominee. And why not have all vice presidential candidates do the same? Why does the presidential candidate get to pick his running mate? How come we can’t choose our vice president? (I know, I know, there is all kinds of Constitutional and Congressional logic and reasoning behind that decision but it’s interesting to think about.)
Once we’re down to the candidates for each party, there’s more debating. There are a couple thoughts here….you could have people vote after every show, to see how the polls are tracking or, and I like this suggestion better, have them vote on the debated issues after each show and see where Americans fall on the actual issues.
I’ll admit, it’s not a perfect solution yet. There’s all kinds of technology needed to make sure registered voters are the ones voting and only voting once. I haven’t worked this out yet. Also, there needs to be a way for people not to vote a straight party ticket…maybe that’s tied into the voting on the issues in advance of the big showdown…but that doesn’t seem fair.
I know it would probably never fly in our collective lifetime, but it’s pretty interesting to think about if you let your imagination run a little wild. There has to be a role for some “judges” in there, too.
Text the word ‘VOTE’ to USA-D or USA-R.