Opposable Thumbs
I spilled tea on my laptop keyboard tonight. Egads.I was minding my own business, watching my normal barrage of nightly sitcoms, working on the couch. I had a mug of hot tea on the coffee table (I know, TEA on a COFFEE table....outrageous), and when I went to drink from it, the cup knocked the corner of my laptop - okay, I clumsily knocked the laptop with the mug - and some liquid splashed onto the keyboard.
Of course, I immediately turned the silly thing upside down...the laptop, not the rest of the tea...to drain the excess liquid. Then I shut everything down and took it into the kitchen to dry it as best I could. I even took it into the bathroom and lightly blew air across the top with the hair dryer to help get excess tea from under the keys. If I spent 10 minutes on the entire process, I'd be shocked.
Well, that oughta do it!
I get settled again, fire everything back up - taking great care to back away when the power came on - and went back to work. To be honest, everything seemed fine.
I should have mentioned that I put a lot...A LOT....of sugar in my tea.
About a half hour or so into my work, I notice the left mouse button thing getting a little sticky. I don't know, at this ridiculous hour, what a mouse on a laptop is called...and I don't care. Then my space bar seeems a little sluggish. Fifteen minutes and a couple emails later, I find myself IMing a colleague and, literally, punching the space bar with my thumb every time I need a space. It's amazing what we take for granted....I have no training regime for my thumbs! They can't last through this kind of workout!
I already sent an email to the IT guy at work. Luckily, he reports to me so I know he'll take care of this for me. By the time I shut down, the entire bottom row was getting bad. I popped some keys off to see if I could clean it up some more...but I have no idea what's going on under there.

In the meantime, I'm going to get a rubber band, loop it around my thumb and pinky finger and do some exercises. I also need to find a gumball machine that has these swirly, multi-colored rubber balls....if the life-sized one is good for my abs (or so I've heard), a small one should do wonders for thumb strength conditioning.
"I still have my thumbs." (Anyone? TV reference from the 60s. No? Oh, okay. Answer in tomorrow's blog. And no Googling for it.)
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