I've added "word verification" to the comment area to block spammers. My apologies.

Monday, June 19, 2006


I have never claimed to be a good driver. Don't get me wrong...I know all the laws and how to be safe. When I am driving at a reasonable speed, I am actually a fairly good driver. I rarely drive at a reasonable speed.

I know, I'm ashamed of myself.

I also suffer from awful bouts of road rage....because as bad a driver as I am, everyone else seems much worse. I'm trying to control this more but I think I'm losing that battle, little by little. So you can imagine my interest the other day when I heard a news story about the crackdown on angry drivers. Tailgaters, weavers, speed demons and fellow ragers beware! The police are pulling over unsafe, angry, violent prone drivers and ticketing them.

Honestly, I think they've got this logic all wrong. They reason they are getting these unsafe drivers off the road and protecting the "good" drivers. Ummmm...hello? Do they really think this is going to help? Let's pull over the angry driver who is probably already in a hurry and give him/her a ticket. Yeah, that'll calm him/her down. Do they also plan on conducting roadside anger management express sessions using flash cards of serene, calming images? Pulling us over and ticketing us is
just going to piss us off even more!

I say, pull over the people who screwing things up and let us be on our way. Think about it. The people driving slowly aren't in a hurry anyway and they would have police protection on the side of the road. I figure one of two things will happen. Either all the road rage drivers will thin the herd by default OR we'll find out that the "good" drivers really were causing all the problems. (And I'm guessing it's the second.)

This is a speed limit sign in Montana. God Bless Big Sky country. I might have to figure out a way to factor Montana into my commute.

Necessary aside:

So Taylor Hicks is on the cover of People magazine for some eligible bachelor issue. Ick. He's also in a Ford commercial, screaming a song. He doesn't sing, he shouts! Man, that guy irritates the hell outta me.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Methinks Thou Doth Protest Too Much

Sunday was Philly Pride Day. I know. There will always be the group who doesn’t understand why such a thing must exist. Homosexuals don’t want to be treated differently but then we go and have a parade. There is no heterosexual Pride Day. (such an obvious quip should be added here...but I'll refrain) To which I say, okay, I get that….but a parade doesn’t have to prove a point…it’s a celebration. No different then, say, St. Patricks Day. Why do the Irish need a day to be Irish? They don’t, they are celebrating. (And we all know it’s just a reason to drink and that's cool.)

Christians get the Macy’s Day Parade for Christmas. And while it may now be called the Holiday Parade and Barry Manilow might ramble through on a float, there’s still not a lot of representation for Jewish people….and Santa Claus is still the highlight.

There was also an African festival across town on Sunday…fine by me. Whoop it up. The only reason a parade ever bothers me is because it effs up traffic that I may be in. Unless the Pride Parade comes marching through your living room, you don’t even have to acknowledge it.

I will admit, however, that Pride is probably the only day you can really feel safe expressing affection for that special someone in almost any part of the city….or at least along the parade route….and in the neighborhood surrounding the festival. Any other time, you’re sort of restricted to “gay areas”.

Then there were the protestors....

The protestors intrigued and infuriated me. I simply don’t understand them. They weren’t there in the spirit of Christianity…they were only there to judge and hate. I’ve always considered myself a Christian. I had a great church that I attended faithfully and loved it. I went because I wanted to go. I was even in the Bible study group for women. When I was coming to terms with who I really am, who I’ve always been, I was also discovering how the people at this church felt about homosexuality….and I felt judged. I questioned God’s love over and over again. I stopped going to church. I feel weird there now.

I once talked to a friend who was in a ministry with her husband. This was a friend from high school…I’ve known her over 20 years. I posed the question of how it could be a sin to be homosexual if this was how God created me. She said He didn’t create me this way. Oh really? Then she went into some explanation about the sins of those who came before me and how they created this hole in my spiritual something-or-other where sin creeped in. Huh?

I let this friend have her say and listened to her opinion. We lost touch when she told me in a letter that I should question the therapist I was seeing at the time. The reason? Because she certainly couldn’t be giving me the right advice if she allowed me to accept this perversion of mine. She actually used the word perversion. That stopped that. I received a letter later asking if she said something wrong. No, it was the hole in your head where your brain seeped out and left you narrow-minded.

The protesters did not speak of love. They did not speak of “hate the sin, love the sinner”. They spoke of eternal damnation. They waved placards declaring, “Homosexuals are not born that way, it is a self-corrupting choice.” Self-corrupting choice?! Yes, I left a great marriage and a wonderful man just to have some fun and indulge in a little corruption. I went through hell for several years, destroying everything I had built in my life, explaining to family and friends, coming to terms with the friends who turned their backs on me and spoke of my perversion, because I’m going through a phase.

What I fail to comprehend about the Bible-toting protestors, citing chapter and verse to me, is how they missed Matthew 7:1-5; “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” I mean, c’mon….it’s in one of the gospels, the Big Four, the Cliff Notes of the Bible. How’d ya’ manage to miss that one?!

This is between me and the big guy. So dear protester, while I appreciate your interest and admire your enthusiasm, I don’t need your color commentary along the way.

(cue the Constitutional purists who will now tell me that the protestors have the right to assemble...and the freedom of speech blah blah blah. I know. And I have the right to tell them to shut their pie holes.)

Freedom rocks.

"Man is that 'Freedom Rock'?"

"Yeah, man!"

"Well, turn it up, man!" (and now I can't stop laughing)

Friday, June 09, 2006

Open Book

I’m in the middle of a huge déjà vu experience. It was almost a year ago when I started this blog and I would often compose out here on the patio while Einstein would slink and sniff and stalk his way around the back yard. It was where I discovered Wil Wheaton’s blog – the door to an alternate universe comprised of well known and well liked strangers. There were questions…

What did I want my blog to be?
Did it have a purpose?
Do I have a message?
How much of my soul would I bare?
Who would find this and did I want them to receive the open invitation that is the internet?

...just to name a few.

This is where I find myself again. After work. On my patio. Keeping a semi-watchful eye on the little man. Laptop on my, well….lap. A soundtrack of birds, passing cars, distant after-school kids and the tap tap tap of the keyboard. The same questions. Just the hint of answers.

I’ve never defined this blog and have wondered at different times why I have to.

The only purpose is that I like to write, no matter how inept I may be at it. I like having the outlet to bitch and complain and vet ideas and ramble about things that might only have meaning to me.
I don’t really have a message, I’m not big on pushing my convictions on others.
I’ve bared very little….whether it’s because the subject is private or because there’s very little to bare….I’m not that complex. I’ve read over and over again that once you've laid it all out there, you’re a true blogger…I just don’t buy into that, sorry.
The people I have found (and have found me back) have made me laugh and cry and think. I’m glad the invitation was extended by Bit and Byte.

I sat down to write about “Shanks for Nothing”, Rick Reilly’s follow-up to “Missing Links”. Both are golf fiction about the adventures and hi-jinks of a group of Boston hacks who play on an even hackier course nicknamed Ponky. I loved the first book. I was delightfully surprised to find the second. At the end, you miss the characters, and to me, that is the best indication of a book worth reading.

I also wanted to ponder my next choice…should I go back to “A People’s History of the United States”, which I was reading last summer? Or move on to the Harper Lee biography I just picked up? Or maybe “Great Expectations”, which I bought after realizing I’d never read a Charles Dickens novel….that still surprises me. All these thoughts began when I remembered, again, that I needed to update the link on the right side of my blog, Books On My Coffee Table. Most of them are now on a shelf somewhere.

It wasn’t until I sat down and fell into the déjà voodoo that the rest of this seeped from my fingertips to the screen. There’s been a small bunny out in the yard the entire time, eating grass and looking so cute I can’t hardly stand it. I’ve misplaced the boy and need to find him – which is how most of my blog sessions ended last summer.

It’s good to be back.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


So, we seemed to have made it through 06-06-06 okay. Really, did we have that much to fear? For starters, there are a bunch of zeroes in there breaking things up. When is the last time anyone referred to the year as just 6?

"Hey, what's the date?"

Huh? BTW - if you're asking the date and someone has to clarify the year, you have other problems we can start discussing.

Second, I read recently that 666 is not truly the right number. Historians and other scholarly people are now questioning the validity of that sign. Something about a 4th 6, I believe. If they got it wrong once, they could get it wrong again. Who are these guys anyway and why do we believe whatever they say? Practical jokers.

Third, is 666 really a bad number for everyone? Don't you only have to worry if you notice this on the back of your head....or that of someone close to you? Yeah, it's creepy if your house number is 666 or your phone number has 666 in it...but that's just coincidence. I don't think the beast is hanging out at Verizon, assigning phone numbers. He may be there jacking up prices but that's gonna happen anyway, we can't blame him for everything.

My real fear, to be completely honest, was that terrorists would see 06-06-06 as an appropriate day to attack us.

However, the only threat to society that I saw yesterday was the release of "The Omen" movie. Ew. Did I ever mention reading "The Omen" as a kid? That freaking book. Scared the bejeezus outta me - to the point where I had to ask my Dad to hide it from me. As far as I know, it is STILL stashed in the back of his file cabinet in the basement....Dad wasn't so good at hiding things. Mom would have buried it in the backyard and then drawn a map of where it was and then hid the map in the freezer, in an empty box of frozen spinach....knowing I'd NEVER go there.

I will admit, at 6:06 yesterday morning, I did pause and consider going back to bed for the day. But I do that every day.

I guess we're safe until 06-06-08, when the beast's lesser known neighbor could show up.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Can You Hear Me Now?

Unfortunately, yes, I can. And it’s rather irritating.

Wednesday, May 24th, approximately 3:00pm.

On this day I once again found myself on New York’s Upper Eastside at Columbia Presby, for work. Based on a previous conversation with Iced Tea Not Coke, I decided to Acela and see what that was all about….and I’d get home quicker which is always nice. Being the social misfit that I am, I tried to position myself and my bag so no one would sit next to me. Of course it didn’t work. I ended up with a very tall, thin, older man beside me. I tried to conceal my annoyance when he showed up beside my row but I’m not sure how successful I was. I actually felt a little bad about that and considered striking up a conversation with him. Instead, I just gave him one of those tight-lipped, no teeth showing, don’t take this as an invitation to talk smiles. I even made eye contact for a nanosecond or two.

I stopped beating myself up over my unwillingness to chat with him when the cell phone pages began 20 minutes into the ride and continued right into 30th Street station. Why he wouldn’t put the thing on vibrate I have no idea. He made a big production every time it went off, with the sighing and all. I guess that was to let me know that he was as annoyed as I was….as if to say, “I KNOW, I am just SO popular and needed…they never let me rest.”

In my head, I went through several “polite and verging on cute” ways to ask him to put the damn thing on vibrate – they got increasingly mean.

#1 *with a dimplish smile – and I don’t have dimples – and using my phone as a prop* “Do you know how to put this phone on vibrate? I just got it and haven’t figured it out but really don’t want to annoy other people on the train.” *add eyelash flutter and blonde head cocked to side for effect*
#2 *with the sympathetic smile* “You know, I do the same thing. I’m always forgetting how to set my phone to vibrate.”
#3 *the sarcasm starts to seep in and I give him the nose wrinkle and little head shake* “Don’t you hate when you set your phone to vibrate and it just keeps ringing?”
#4 *heavier sarcasm now, but still just enough so that he doesn’t know if I’m TRULY giving him a hard time* “Is that an older model without the vibrate feature?”
#5 *ripping the phone from his hands* “Are you an idiot? Give me that thing. I can show you how to set that to vibrate.”

The incoming pages/calls (whatever) were bad enough. Then he decided to reply.

Doo doo doodoo doo doodoodooo…..doo….doo…….doo doo………doo…………………………doo….doo…………………………doo………doo........doo................................doo.........doo doo. (I can only venture a guess that it was a very difficult word to spell.) Doodoo doo doo doodoodoo (backspace backspace backspace). Doooooo (stuck key)….doo doo…doo ….doo …..doo doo doo. Doo.

Can’t he see I’m trying to play Solitaire here?!!!


Damn it!