I have never claimed to be a good driver. Don't get me wrong...I know all the laws and how to be safe. When I am driving at a reasonable speed, I am actually a fairly good driver. I rarely drive at a reasonable speed.I know, I'm ashamed of myself.
I also suffer from awful bouts of road rage....because as bad a driver as I am, everyone else seems much worse. I'm trying to control this more but I think I'm losing that battle, little by little. So you can imagine my interest the other day when I heard a news story about the crackdown on angry drivers. Tailgaters, weavers, speed demons and fellow ragers beware! The police are pulling over unsafe, angry, violent prone drivers and ticketing them.
Honestly, I think they've got this logic all wrong. They reason they are getting these unsafe drivers off the road and protecting the "good" drivers. Ummmm...hello? Do they really think this is going to help? Let's pull over the angry driver who is probably already in a hurry and give him/her a ticket. Yeah, that'll calm him/her down. Do they also plan on conducting roadside anger management express sessions using flash cards of serene, calming images? Pulling us over and ticketing us is just going to piss us off even more!
I say, pull over the people who screwing things up and let us be on our way. Think about it. The people driving slowly aren't in a hurry anyway and they would have police protection on the side of the road. I figure one of two things will happen. Either all the road rage drivers will thin the herd by default OR we'll find out that the "good" drivers really were causing all the problems. (And I'm guessing it's the second.)
This is a speed limit sign in Montana. God Bless Big Sky country. I might have to figure out a way to factor Montana into my commute.

Necessary aside:
So Taylor Hicks is on the cover of People magazine for some eligible bachelor issue. Ick. He's also in a Ford commercial, screaming a song. He doesn't sing, he shouts! Man, that guy irritates the hell outta me.
Thank goodness they can't ticket pedestrians. Is there such a thing as sidewalk rage? I believe there is. Not only am I member, I'm also the president.
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