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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Oh, How the Mighty Have Fallen

Here are the pictures of the tree limb in my backyard. I know, VERY exciting! Try to contain your enthusiasm. This subject matter may be a new low for me. It makes things a little easier on my guest blogger next week and that's not so bad because I think she's a little nervous. I mean, c'mon, I'm talking about TREES...and not even a whole tree, just a limb....anything is more exciting than that. Unless she talks about paper....trees might be more exciting then paper.

So, this is it. That black lump halfway in is Einstein crawling on the tree...I thought it would help with the scale....it's as though he's a little map legend with legs.

Notice the proximity of the electric wires! Yeah, not a good thing. And not all of that is my backyard....a lot of that is my neighbor's yard...I borrowed it for the picture.

Here is another shot...close up. Bear in mind that I never heard this thing fall in the dead of night. So, we still have the question about whether it made a sound. In this shot, you can also get an idea of the huge gouges left in my lawn. Beautiful.

So there you have it. The fallen tree limb in my yard. Of course, I was in the midst of getting estimates from landscapers to cut down this and the other trees that are dangerously close to the power lines when Mother Nature dumped 17.8 inches of snow on top of them. Terrific!!

Until the weather clears enough to get rid of these trees, I wear sneakers on my feet and a tire around my waste at all times when I'm home. It's also useful for those times when I bump into walls. I just bounce right off now!


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