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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The 3 Little Rants

“Once upon a time there was a mother rant who had three little rants. The three little rants grew so big that their mother said to them, "You are too big to live here any longer. You must go find blogs for yourselves. But take care that the FCC does not catch you."

“The Office” rant. This is not really a rant, it is only made of comments and observations…a straw rant, if you will.

First, my iPod is still a little sickly. I think it needs to be sent back to Apple for diagnostics and treatment. And I will do just that. But I bought another one anyway. The 30GB, with a bigger color display and video capability. (insert nerd dance) I also checked the TV Shows on iTunes and, lo and behold, I can download episodes of “The Office” for $1.99 each. How excited am I?! Very. I’ve now downloaded all the episodes onto my shiny new iPod.

However, while home yesterday, painting, I would watch them on the computer. If the paint was drying or I was eating lunch or just needed a 20 minute break, I’d be down in front of the computer, “watching TV”. I think I’ve started my ascent to the pinnacle of Mt. Geek. I just LOVE this show, however. I saw the first 2 seasons of the British version a couple years ago but had little faith that American broadcasting would do it justice….but it has! Well done!

The second rant is made of sticks and a little stronger. The Nothing Bugs Me More rant.

A friend was over the other day, I forget what we were doing but I had to go wash my hands. On the soap in the kitchen was a little hair. Not a pube! Don’t be gross! Anyway…I’ve never liked that and will do whatever I have to in order to rid the soap of one. And it has to be done before I wash my hands.

So, I’m dealing with that and I say to her, “jeez, nothing bugs me more then something on the soap…” After a second, I stop and think, oh my God, LOTS of things bug me more. I figure listing the top 10 would be a great blog.

It’s more difficult then you might think….or maybe the soap thing really does bug me that much. I’ve mentioned the littering and people parking in handicap spots before so I really only need 8.

1. Starting to erase something and realizing, too late, that the eraser is gone…and the metal thingy on the pencil just scrapes across the paper. I’m getting skeeved just thinking about it.
2. Anyone who is mean to waiters and waitresses.
3. When hangers get all entangled on the rod and you can’t get just one to come undone…especially when holding something in your other hand.
4. Stepping in a puddle with slides/clogs on and having your socks get all wet. (That happened this morning.)
5. Snow getting inside your sleeves and making your wrists cold and the bottom of your sleeve all wet and soggy. Ick.
6. Sweaty equipment at the gym.
7. Picking up the extra roll of toilet paper that someone has precariously perched on the holder, only to find out that the entire bottom half of the roll is wet all the way through.
8. Putting on an article of clothing, right out of the dryer, and it’s still wet.

Hmmm. A lot of these have to do with something being wet when it shouldn't be. Interesting. This is something new I'm just discovering about myself. I wonder what it means.

The third rant is made of bricks and is the strongest of all. It’s the Weight Watchers commercial rant. Have you seen this? They use Cher’s “This is a Song for the Lonely” in it. I don’t know if it’s nationwide.

Admittedly, some of the words from that song are very inspirational.

When you're standing on the edge of nowhere
There's only one way up
So your heart's got to go there
Through the darkest night
See the light shine bright
When hero's fall, in love or war
They live forever

Just sitting here, I want to find a way to sit better, straighter, taller! Yes!!

But then they blow it…

This is a song - for the lonely
Can you hear me tonight
For the broken hearted, battle scared
I'llBe by your side
And this is a song - for the lonely
When your dreams won't come true
Can you hear this prayer
'Coz someone's there for you

If I were someone going to Weight Watchers, I’d be PISSED. What makes it okay to associate loneliness with Weight Watchers?

I’ll bet there are people out there who are way too skinny and just as lonely as some who may need to shed some pounds.

So, there you go….now I’ve huffed and I’ve puffed and…well, that would appear to be the extent of what I’ve done.

“Who’s afraid of the FCC, the FCC, the FCC?”


At 1/19/2006 08:03:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe it means they are lonely not because they're fat and no one loves them, but because they feel alone in trying to lose the weight. That's not quite as offensive.

Someone who is neither lonely nor fat

At 1/19/2006 08:20:00 AM, Blogger Cherry Indigo (Cindy) said...

Oh, that's an EXCELLENT perspective!! I like thinking of it that way much more. You're right, not offensive in that sense. Thanks!

This is why I love the online community...

At 1/25/2006 08:23:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt the minds behind the ads for Weight Watchers would promote something connecting fat with lonely. I agree with the first comment - it is a song to convey to a person who feels he or she has to lose weight that they do not have to travel that road alone.

At 1/25/2006 02:55:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I make little fists and shake them at the sky when someone leaves the empty cardboard roll on the toilet paper holder. ARGH.


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