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Friday, January 13, 2006

All SEPTA Trains Are Running on Time

Just when my faith in service centers was being restored, one single asshole brings it crashing to the ground. To set the stage…

Two weeks ago, (actually on New Year’s Eve day), I took the Jeep in for service. Now, I am the first to admit that I’m a horrible, horrible procrastinator when it comes to my car. I hate the inconvenience of dropping it off, dealing with the rental people, waiting for the phone call to tell me that the wheels would have fallen off in another 72 hours and then paying a small ransom to the dealership. Of course, I would hate the inconvenience of the wheels actually coming off or the engine exploding even more, but I don’t think about that. I always seem to get it in there in the nick of time. I know that one of these days, the steering wheel will just come off in my hands and I’ll have no one to blame but the manufacturer – you thought I was going to say myself, didn’t you? Oh puh-leeze. It’s not my fault they make a substandard vehicle that won’t drive for half a million miles with nary a tune-up. You would think they would have figured that out by now. Dumb asses.


I take the car in, they do a bunch of stuff to it – I think they even replaced the Johnson rod – and I go pick it up. Wonderful. All is good and I can abuse and misuse my little vehicle for another 6 months. The major thing they did this time was the brakes, which also just happened to fix the little squeak-squeak-squeaking noise on the back passenger side. Imagine that. This was also the first time I had used this particular dealership and, I must admit, they were an absolute delight to deal with. (Ohhhhh, THAT’S why they call it a dealership. You DEAL with them. I get it now.) I was so impressed with the cooperation, friendliness and service that I was moved to think about writing a letter. And I still intend to, but I am a procrastinator on that type of thing, too. Okay, I procrastinate…so sue me. The point is, my faith in service departments was renewed and it felt good. I don’t think I cursed at one person the entire way home.

Then reality set in…

I do know enough about cars to know that there is often a break-in period for new parts…especially brakes. So, when I hear a little squeal in the back break, I don’t think a lot of it. A couple days later, when the radio is low enough, I hear a louder squeal. Hmmm….that doesn’t sound good. And why do I smell rubber burning when I get out of the car? It’s probably nothing, it’ll work itself out. Fast forward to this week….the little break-in period squeal has turned into a full blown screech. Metal on metal. LOUD. EMBARASSING. As one unfortunate passenger pointed out, “it sounds like a SEPTA train”. It was so bad that people riding in things that barely represented cars were shooting me looks. When C, M and I were heading downtown for poker the other night, the guy in the next car shot us a look like you wouldn’t believe. Yes, it’s that loud. There he is, sitting in his 1974, orange and primer Pacer – hub caps missing, mirror dangling on the side, antenna bent in half, front hood buckling and the muffler barely attached, shooting us a dirty look because my brakes were a little louder then a mouse fart. Some people…

Anyway, now I have to call the freaking dealership again. This won’t be so bad…they were really nice.

Chris answers. Chris sounded like everything wrong that could have happened in one morning, happened to him. He could not be more annoyed with me – and this is just after “hello”. I was nice….I didn’t start off bitching and complaining or anything. I say I just had the car in and something isn’t right with the brakes…I even use the SEPTA train example (maybe that’s where I lost him). Okay, they can take a look at it on Wednesday. Wednesday!!! No way. Chris, it sounds BAD, buddy. Work with me here. Okay, bring it in tomorrow. Fine. And you’ll have a loaner for me, right Chris? Well, that depends on what they find. They’ll take a look at the brakes and see. Okay. But, then, if there’s a problem, you’ll have a loaner, RIGHT CHRIS? They’ll determine that tomorrow. Damn straight they will. Fucking prick. I’ve run a global support organization for 10+ years – they do NOT want to get into a customer service argument with me. Just tell me you'll give me a loaner if something is wrong....what the hell does that cost them?

So stay tuned and I’ll let you know how this goes on Monday.


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