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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Baaaaad Little Blogger

It would appear that I am taking a hiatus from blogging this week. This happened without warning, consent or a clue on my part. I just got the news myself. I know. Had I been informed, I surely would have told someone and asked them to pick up my mail and feed my little man Einstein.

Honestly, I’m not sure WHAT happened. I think I had such a great time during the bar crawl on Saturday that I sort of stayed suspended in time and refused to acknowledge that a new week started.

The bar crawl was so fun. Nan provides two good summaries and a good pic on her site.

I feel like I’ve been asleep since then. I wanted to wish H a safe trip back to the desert and started to email her on Monday, only then realizing that she was leaving that day. I’m sure she has access there so I need to reach her. Sorry H!!!! Hope the party was a good one and time goes fast for you there. At least it’s a short stint this time.

I also TOTALLY FORGOT when my parents were getting back from the Rose Bowl Parade in CA. I called Monday on the way home from work, thinking they’d returned that weekend. Umm, nope. They’d been home since Wednesday, my Dad said. WTF.

Who else can I apologize to? This seems to be turning into one, long, mass apology note.

Oh yeah…I totally screwed up on the day of a presentation for a meeting in Beijing. I was attending via video con from here and thought my portion was tonight…it was last night. So I had to wing that….which actually went okay, believe it or not. So, sorry Beijing! Yes, the whole city. I apologize, to the entire city of Beijing, for not being able to read. God I’m a dumb ass sometimes. I told a friend about this and she thinks that perhaps my braces are too tight. She's probably right.

My poor little Christmas tree is laying out on the curb (in the rain today), waiting for the Christmas Tree Carcass Truck to come by and save it from the utter humiliation it is going through. Yes, I AM one of the pathetic people who believe inanimate objects have feelings. I’ve probably created bad sap karma now. If they don’t take it soon, I’m going to drag it to the back of my yard and put it in the woods so at least it can be amongst its own. I’m sorry little Christmas tree….you did a very nice job this year.

This is just depressing. That’s enough apologies for today. If I missed anyone, you know who you are and already know how sorry I am (yes, double entendre intended).

Read Nan’s bar crawl summary instead….it’s more fun.

I’m sorry this was such crappy entry.

Fuck! I did it again! I need to stop typing.


At 1/13/2006 08:21:00 AM, Blogger Cherry Indigo (Cindy) said...

I liked your L Word summary. I'm gonna watch it On Demand this weekend but I don't feel like you spoiled anything for me. I took a risk. ;)

You were right with the first comment....peops, yes. :)


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