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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

You Won't Get Rid of Me That Easily...

Oh my God! Where have 14 days gone so quickly?! This is even worse then the last unscheduled hiatus I took. To quickly recap, things have been hectic, to say the least.

Day 1: I was probably packing my office and taking care of a lot of last minute things at my previous job. (I can temporarily break my own rule from my very first blog ever because they can’t fire me anymore.) So, in 12 Days of Christmas terms, the first day was “Packing the shit in my desk.”

Day 2: I made my rounds, said my goodbyes and had my exit interview - which was not so much an interview as it was going through paperwork. Then I exited to Happy Hour! It was great! Probably about 20 people there, maybe more. JS kept giving me shots of tequila, on top of my Malibu and diet. (I will only drink diet with Malibu because regular is too sweet. Otherwise, I shun diet drinks and their aspartame which is slowly poisoning me and doing God knows what to my body. Vile liquid.)

At this point, tequila seems to be a great drink for me….I didn’t get drunk, nor did I have a hangover the next day. The last shot of the evening was Jaeger...God love it (I am too tired to make sure I spelled that correctly - if it's wrong, bite me). I had a good friend on hand to drive me home if necessary but I was actually okay. I wanted to follow her anyway…just to be safe. After the Jaeger shot, I knew we had to leave at that moment before it kicked in. And it could not have been timed more perfectly. Pulling into my driveway, I felt it kick in. And my buzz was official when I got emotional, also in the driveway, about leaving a place I worked at for 11 ½ years – I felt like my identity was gone for a couple hours. And it hit me how much I was going to miss everyone. So, drunk and teary in the driveway at 10pm on a Friday night. Pathetic. I hope the neighbors didn't see.

Day 3: I honestly can't remember anymore. I might have done a whole lot of nothing.
Day 4: See Day 3. Oh wait, I did do some work in preparation for my new job. Reading, emails, etc. Some productivity...while watching football, of course. Playoffs.

Days 5 - 10 are a COMPLETE BLUR! Started my new job. I LOVE it! Very exciting, learning all kinds of new stuff and I've entered workaholic mode again. Yes, this is a good thing for me....I function well at fast speeds when it comes to work.

Day 11: More of days 3 and 4, to be honest. Except in the evening - kick ass dinner with friends to celebrate a birthday! Went to Derek's in Manayunk. Good times.

Day 12: Laundry. Work. Straightening the house. I don't think I actually went outside all day. That's just sad.

And now into a new week with days 13 and 14. This is also going by in a blur. However, I'm settling in a bit and things are starting to become more manageable.....but not really slow. No time to blog at work anymore. :(

So now that I'm getting back into a routine, I will do my best to get back into my daily blogging habits....bear with me. I probably had lots to blog about, too...and now it's all fallen out of my head. That happens more then I care to admit. Oh...I remember the tree! I was going to blog about that...and I have pictures! Maybe tomorrow.

One note I did want to make...and I can't recall if I've ever noted this in previous blogs or not...

I was out with Di and I can't remember what we were discussing but I commented on it with one of my stock responses (I keep them in little cartoon balloons so that I can apply them to any conversation when needed - they have sticky backs). This particular one was - and a lot of us have said it - "well, everything happens for a reason, right?". Di turned to me and said, "did you ever notice that people never say that when good things happen?" True dat. True dat. She makes the most insightful observations.

And for "a...", if she's checking in...I asked for some guidance on your question. I asked. I was provided an answer. Office Manager or Project Manager are the two most likely places to start if you're looking for something with similar skill sets and to which your experience can apply.

Huh....I like speaking in code. I want to do more of it. I've got one....K, send a warm hello to H in the icy tundra. I'll send one, too, but it was the next code opportunity that came to mind and I had to grab it.

I feel another one coming on... Ah. XJ, you were right. But you can't keep it in the closet. And JoJo wants the blue one....but in red. Call that number you found at the bar, they'll set you up. Make sure you ask for that thing....we don't need another Titanic incident.

Okay, I totally made that one up.

Okay, Pep...this one was for you....you were skeptical and didn't think I'd actually get around to this tonight. I guess I showed you by staying up until almost midnight, didn't I? Yeah....don't mess with me, man.

Say goodnight, Gracie.


At 2/03/2006 12:05:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Goodnight, Gracie.

Your message has been received and verified.

The kitty is in the basket. (Now I am just making shit up, too.)

But thanks for the advice. That, I mean. Every little bit is helping me now.


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