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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

You Say Tomato, I Say it Was My Idea...

I have, what I think, is a great idea for “The Office” – not as a story line but just as a recurring theme in one episode. A sub-plot, if you will. If you don’t watch it, some of this might be lost on you because you have to know some of the characters. Sorry about that…start watching the show. I also know that I should keep this to myself and write into the producers with the idea but I know I’ll never actually do that. If someone steals it, so be it, I’ll still sleep at night and we’ll all know that it was really my idea first. Also, I’d rather see it stolen and done then not – it’s called suffering for your craft. Except I can’t really call writing my craft and, between you and me, it doesn’t really feel like suffering. Take away my Red Bull in the morning and we can discuss suffering.

BTW – odd, random reference coming on….there’s a pretty good article about Lance Armstrong in last month’s “Selling Power” magazine. He talks about suffering, too. Danica Patrick is also in that issue.

Okay…here’s my idea…and then I’ll tell you how it came to me. Not only do I suffer for my craft, I give back to the community. I’m on a roll this morning.

On a day when Pam knows Michael is out of the office and can’t be reached, everyone in the office should act like he’s there. Dwight, of course, wouldn NOT be in on this and the point would be to make him believe he can’t see Michael. Jim could sit in Michael’s office and have a conversation with him, Pam could drop off his messages…and Dwight would notice it all. They could even pretend that Michael is trying to make Dwight see him…

Michael: “Stop messing around Dwight, I’m right here.”
Dwight “But….”
Michael: “I’M RIGHT HERE!!!!”
Jim: “Do you have to yell Michael?” (while Pam is covering her ears)

They could even have a meeting in the conference room, pretending that Michael is leading it. Everyone would just have to look disgusted and confused….like they always do. And they could ask him questions…stuff to which Dwight would want to hear the answers. All day, they could move his coffee cup around the office, refilling it at different times. Pam could call on his intercom and have meaningful pauses for her “conversation”.

Okay…maybe this is an entire plot. Someone steal this idea and get them to do it! There’s a lot of potential here for a pretty funny episode…at least in my mind.

The reason I even thought of this is because I was talking to S in his office yesterday and he had to get up and remind someone about something (before he forgot) but asked me to wait a minute. So I was sitting in his office by myself for a good minute. While I was sitting there, someone walked by and I thought to myself, “he probably wonders why I’m sitting in S’ office by myself”. Then I thought I should start pretending to have a conversation with S and see if I could convince anyone that s/he couldn’t see S. That thought transformed into the idea for “The Office”. I was actually sitting there laughing a little bit with the possibilities. But I had to be careful so that people didn’t think I was REALLY insane….it’s way too early to let them know that.

So there’s my idea….I will watch faithfully, in hopes that someone more dedicated than I sends this off to NBC and convinces them to make it.

Plagiarism…say it with me now.


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