Scattered PICT-churs.....
Nickerblog posted some grade school photos and inspired me (which is a much nicer way of saying I liked his idea and ripped it off) to take my own little stroll down memory lane. As you'll see for yourself, there were a lot of places to trip and fall flat on my face along the way.Ya' gotta see the bay-bee... I'll be honest, I love my baby pic.

1st Day of School! I had to cut my sister out of this so that no one could see us wearing almost matching outfits. God. I can't explain the weird foot thing. Or the arm. You can't tell here, but I don't have my two front teeth. I lost them in a fence incident in 1972.
1973. Still no front teeth. I swear my dress is on backwards. Back then, my fashion philosophy was that all my favorite clothes went together. My favorite shirt had horizontal, multi-colored stripes. My favorite and white vertical stripes. I was quite the toast of Vogue magazine.
1974. Still no teeth. The anticipation is killing you, isn't it? I can't bring myself to post a picture - I think I was the ugliest 7 year old in my neighborhood.
1975. Still no teeth!!! They finally came in the next year. This was also the year my mother had her fill of my hair always being a mess and had it cut off. I looked like a boy for the next 5 years.
It would also seem that 1975 was the year I took a small side adventure into heroin addiction. I must have been on one helluva good trip when they took this. What the fuck. I'd like to blame my bangs on the drugs...but I'm pretty sure I'd be lying.

I have to add another 1975 shot just to show off my Niagra Falls lapel pin. And to prove that I was lucid at least one day that year. I'm disappointed that I've lost the ability to hover amongst the clouds. Bummer.
"But where are the clowns? Quick, send in the clowns. Don't bother, they're here." Random Halloween shot. My brother and sister looked worse...she was a gypsy and he was some scary ass demon looking thing. I was allowed to be as sad as I wanted because I had an auto-smile.
Watching "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" with my brother. I'm holding my Chrissy doll...yes, that was really her name.You could pull the hair out of her head and make it longer when she needed to look really elegant...or when you needed a handle to swing her around in the air. After a while, it wouldn't go back in and I think we cut (read, hacked) it off.
Last 3!! ... This is my Dad's favorite childhood picture of me. I have no idea why but that's the reason I like it. That and the fact that I have a perfectly straight part in my hair.
This is my brother. This picture cracks me up every time I see it because of his pot belly. We're at Mt. Vernon. I think he's about 4 years old. All he needs is a beer in one hand, a lawn chair on which to sit and his other hand down his pants. And maybe a John Deere baseball hat. It's not the best picture because we are standing bout 15 miles away from where my Dad took it...he may have actually been standing on the other side of the Potomac.
And last, but not least...the senior picture from high school. It's one of the only copies I have left. I don't know what the hell happened to it. It's a little beat up. Classy gold chain, huh? I remember always thinking we had to wear a real velvet dress with the v neck thing - only to find out it was this little backwards cape.

And that completes our photo tour. Please visit the gift shop on your way out.
Can I get the graduation photo on a mug?
I'm actually trying to get rid of the keychains I have in stock...would you take one of those instead?
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