I've added "word verification" to the comment area to block spammers. My apologies.

Friday, June 24, 2011

This Didn't Work As Well As I Had Hoped

Well. That was short-lived. But not for lack of interest, just a newfound interest in Twitter. I just have to figure out how to balance both blogging and tweeting. I also have to decide which venue is better, depending on the content.

More to come....

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I Tweet, Therefore I Am a Twat. Twit? Really? Are you sure? Okay, then.

I'm becoming a Twitter whore. It took over most of my weekend. Okay, I'm exaggerating a little bit and it only took over Sunday...some of Sunday....a few hours on Sunday. And some of Saturday. At least here I don't have to worry about characters. Much easier. I can just write and write and write and write....that was fun.  

Well, it was for me and it's my blog. So suck it. 

Monday is creeping up on me. Every. Damn. Week.  Like clockwork. Did somebody schedule this shit or what? My, what a foul mouth I have tonight. Alright, I'm clearly not in the happy blog place that I should be in to attempt this. So I'll call it a night.

You see, right now, I have Twitter Cindy, but there is also Blog Cindy. If Twitter Cindy walks through this door, she will kill Blog Cindy! A Cindy, divided against itself, cannot stand!

<blink> and click

Friday, June 10, 2011

Under Pressure

Oh, I told someone. Told LG at lunch that I had blogged again. Now I actually have to come up with a second entry and I've got nothing. Bloggerblock. However, it is Friday, so I shouldn't be expected to try too hard.

A commercial for Bridezillas was just on television. Will we ever see the end of reality tv and these celebri-temps? They don't DO anything. They contribute nothing. I already hear the collective chorus of backlash that, yes, they are contributing entertainment to the world. What a sad society we've become.

I also read today about the hatred that the rest of the world has for us....and it has nothing to do with being envious of us. They really don't like us anymore. That should mean something.

We need more superheroes.

“In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil’s might, Beware my power… Green Lantern’s light!

Good thing he's coming to theatres soon.

I'm going to eat some pizza. It's Friday, that calls for pizza. I apologize if this is dissapointing, LG. I'll try harder over the weekend.

Oh, I also decided to stop being so judgemental and be more forgiving.  Startiiinnnngggg........now.

<blink> and click

Thursday, June 09, 2011

What a long, strange trip it's been

Has it really been 4 years since I've been here? No one is even going to know to look for my posts anymore...and that might be okay. For whatever reason, I ended up reading the majority of my old entries over the past couple weeks. I'd forgotten how much fun it was to be a part of the blog world. My trip down memory lane reminded me of people - who I think I was privileged enough to call friends - that I only knew through pictures and words (lots and lots and lots of words). I never met them, but it was easy to enjoy their stories, support their heartaches, and care about them. I wonder how they're doing these days.

Some things change and some remain the same. I live in the same place, I'm with the same person, and my cat still thinks that he's in charge.

So what's really diferent then? Well, I passed a milestone birthday, coincidentally, just after I lasted posted here. I have a new job in the city and now take the train to work every morning (I just heard a mash-up of Tina Turner's "Rolling on the River" and Shena Easton's "Morning Train" - it was a, um, different). I'm 3/4 of the way to finally completing my degree....thank God. I no longer play softball on Sundays (mainly because of school), and I haven't traveled the way I used to. I've developed an affinity for gardening (vegetables) and become more of a neat freak as I age. I've made some new friends, kept some existing friends, and lost touch with some once very dear friends. So, some changes are good, some are just changes, and some I wish I could change again.

I have time on my hands that I didn't feel I had before, when my little blog went on hiatus, so maybe I'm back. Time will tell. Most of the time, I feel busier than ever, but now I have a train ride and an iPad, so blogging could be easier.

For now, it's good to be back, albeit quietly and without fanfare. I think I'll see if this sticks before letting anyone know. Plus, this has to be the most boring blog ever. Eh. Ver.

That is all.