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Friday, December 30, 2005

Ten! Nine! Eigh-....Oh Shit, Is The Ball Stuck?

I am not one for New Year’s resolutions. Not because I have anything against them, they just don’t work for me. And I am not one to recap my finest moments, worst moments, most humiliating moments, wardrobe mishaps and break-ups & make-ups of the year. I do like knowing that there’s a fresh beginning around the corner – so that I can feel like I have an empty slate for the first few hours of the New Year. That is, until I realize that the biggest change is making a 5 look like a 6 on checks that I write. We’re lucky this year, that’s an easy transition. 2003 to 2004 was a big pain in the tookus. (I have no idea how to properly spell that…and neither does Bill Gates.)

What I will say is that 2005 was a great year of learning and discovery, self-awareness and growth, great friends and memorable experiences. I wish all my family and friends a wonderful New Year. Everything good to each of you in 2006!!

With that said, I leave you and 2005 with the immortal words of Barry Manilow - and my own snide remarks.

Don't look so sad,
It's not so bad you know. (Join me in this traffic and see if you still agree with that!)
It's just another night,
That's all it is. (Then why am I paying $300 for a room at Motel 6?)
It's not the first,
It's not the worst you know, (That’s impossible to know until you die and can review)
We've come through all the rest,
We'll get through this.

We've made mistakes,
But we've made good friends too. (Are the mistakes and the good friends the same people?)
Remember all the nights we spent with them? (Which ones? The mistakes? Or the good friends?)
And all our plans,
Who says they can't come true? (I don’t think I’ll get another chance to buy Microsoft at $2 a share.)
Tonight's another chance to start again.

It's just another New Year's Eve,
Another night like all the rest. (Yes, I’m always out until 2am drinking my ass off.)
It's just another New Year's Eve,
Let's make it the best.
It's just another New Year's Eve,
It's just another Auld Lang Syne, (“Does that mean that we should forget old acquaintances, or does it mean if we happened to forget them, we should remember them, which is not possible because we already forgot?”)
But when we're through
This New Year, you'll see,
Will be just fine.

We're not alone,
we've got the world you know. (He doesn’t keep up with the news – the world hates us)
And it won't let us down,
just wait and see. (...can’t…type…laughing…too…hard…)
And we'll grow old,
but think how wise we'll grow. (my grandmother - God bless her - used to forget where she put her teeth)
There's more you know,

it's only New Year's Eve.

It's just another New Year's Eve,
Another night like all the rest.
It's just another New Year's Eve,

Let's make it the best.
It's just another New Year's Eve,
It's just another Auld Lang Syne,
But when we're through
This New Year, you'll see,
Will be just fine.


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