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Monday, February 27, 2006

The HeeHee GBs

Applause!! Applause!! for my Guest Blogger (GB) for the incredibly funny posts last week. I told you she was more entertaining than I could ever hope to be. Thanks, GB!! And I think the HeeHee GBs – or Heebee Geebees would be a great blog name. Yes, I am still on that – trying to convince her to start her own blog.

For the record, I would NOT have sex with Dr. Neil Clark Warren. I’m sure he’s a very nice man but, well...ew...no.

Several quick things on which I have to comment before I milk my vacation for as many posts as I can get...

1. I heard on the radio today that “Geraldo Live” is the world’s (WORLD’S?!) fastest growing news magazine. Huh? I thought he was buried in Al Capone’s vault a couple years ago. Or did I completely misunderstand that show? Wasn’t the point to get Geraldo INTO the vault? No? Was it just me that got this wrong?

2. “Saving Jane” is my new favorite artist. Wow. Diggin' these tunes.

3. The Olympics are over. :( I am sad. I know that a...my name is allison commiserates with me on this point.

4. You know how “people” (i.e. “they”) say everyone has a twin someone in the world? Yeah. I found mine!! It was completely by chance that I stumbled across a blog on her MySpace site that was so much like one I had written months ago.

Now we've discovered all these similarities. It's scary cool. And the best part....she's right here on the east coast, in the same area. That makes it really convenient if we ever want to participate in one of those twin studies for medical research.

George Michael is back in the news. Check out the The Drudge Report. I love the Drudge Report but always forget that it’s out there. I’m glad the guys on the radio reminded me about it and thank you, George, for providing sufficient fodder...again. He actually looks a little like Billy Joel in the picture. A little.

So there’s a quick, Monday morning-I’m back at work-I miss Antigua already update.

Truly, I was not lying when I said I will gleen as much blog bait from vacation as I can. The trip home provided enough content for a whole week...more on that later. And I have pictures, of course!

Thank you again, GB!!! EXCELLENT EXCELLENT blogging...now go start your own blog!!! :) You’re the greatest!


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