Rock On Baby J!!!
Growing up, we had a nativity scene that I just love. It was my favorite thing to set up each year at Christmas, even more so then decorating the tree itself. About a year ago, I told my Mom that should she decide to get rid of it, I'd like to have it. I felt I had to get my name on it since she gave away the advent calendar to my brother, with nary a word to my sister or me. Her reason - "Bob was always the one to take care of changing it each day." Huh? Well, yeah, considering that Bob was the youngest and lived at home the longest, I guess that would seem to be the case. My sister and I were a bit peeved about it. Nonetheless, it compelled me to stake claim to the nativity scene, lest she give it away as well. And since my sister and brother are both agnostic or atheist (I forget which one they are), it seems to make sense to give it the one child who still attends church - and not because I'm forced to - as an adult, albeit rarely.My mother, however, is not ready to part with the nativity scene. But she knows how much I like it and sent me an email a few weeks ago about a very similar set she found on ebay. I have to admit, it was pretty close, but it doesn't beat the one from my childhood. I ended up getting it. It's okay. I still want the other one someday.
As I was unwrapping it over the weekend, I came upon the Baby Jesus in his porta-crib. At first, I didn't study him in great detail. When I picked him up again, I gave a closer look and noticed that (I'm guessing) the kids of the previous owner had a little fun and broke off the son of God's two middle fingers. I guess that's what happens when you give birth in a manger and don't clean up the mess afterwards. (I wonder if that's REALLY how Mad Cow disease started…some cow ate the blessed placenta.)
I think this makes Jesus the first hardcore rock fan. I wonder if the first album he bought was "Stompin' at the Crucifix" by Pontius Pilot and the Nasty Nail Drivers (to borrow from the late, great Sam Kinison). Oh, I'm going to hell for sure.
Here is a picture of the little tyke. It's his left hand.

And a close up. They aren't the greatest pictures...I did my best.

And the emoticon.... \m/
Rock on.
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