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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Random Thoughts

1. Knowing how disappointed and frustrated I was about the Eagles game, it was not THAT surprising to find out that a colleague’s brother actually had to stay home on Tuesday because he was so depressed about the game. It got me thinking about how many other people might have done the same thing…either due to hang-overs, depression or a combination of the two. This wasn’t even a playoff game. Given that, I would love to see some research done about how much money the Eagles cost Philadelphia in lost wages and production time/dollars whenever they blow a game….especially games that should be wins and they hand to the other team.

2. I was reading Newsweek last night…I think it was Newsweek….and the cover story is about Sen. John McCain’s (I always want to call him McBain) proposal re: the torture of POWs and detainees. As usual, I am plagued with being too open-minded and honestly seeing both sides of the story….though I truly think that we are wrong in our actions and will eventually rue the day.

I began thinking about this from a parent’s point of view. If you are a parent who has a child fighting in this war, you may be very much in favor of our interrogation efforts, knowing it could end the war sooner and bring your son or daughter home. God knows we don’t want to see more American casualties. And if you had a son or daughter already killed in the war, you are probably very in favor of bringing as much suffering to those who caused you pain as possible. Then again, maybe not because you realize those people, our enemies, are also sons and daughters. But how would these same parents feel if their sons and daughters were taken captive? How would they feel knowing that the same tactics we use are being used on their children? Would it change their minds?

I wonder how many parents, if forced to choose, would rather see their child killed in action then tortured? Granted, many POWs come home and live fairly normal and productive lives…like John McCain. But there so many more whose lives are never the same. Having no children of my own, I can’t begin to imagine which situation most parents would choose….it doesn’t seem to be explored that much in all the coverage I’ve seen on the subject of torture.

3. On a lighter note, I was watching a re-run of “Everyone Loves Raymond” last night. The episode was about choosing a replacement for your mate, should you die. It was very funny but, as most things do, it made me think about who I would choose as a replacement for myself. Impossible to answer, of course, unless there is a person you are choosing for (i.e partner, husband, wife, etc.) but it was funny to think about. I wonder who my friends and family would choose as their replacements.


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