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Friday, November 18, 2005

VERY Pissed Off

I have a full-blown rant today, dedicated to people who park in handicapped spots. This has always been a HUGE pet peeve of mine and one my very few strong convictions but today took the cake. I stopped at Starbucks on the way back from a late afternoon lunch break. As I walked inside, there it sat – the land behemoth SUV in the handicap spot. Grrr!! As I walked by, I looked at the plates, checked the front mirror, even stole a glance in the window for any sign of disability. None. Double grrr.

I went inside and took stock of those present. No one on crutches – and I sympathize with that group because I know from experience that it takes a while to get a temporary handicap permit – but nope. No one in a wheelchair….not even a limp amongst the bunch. Maybe the perpetrator was next store in Quizno’s, the only other shop in that parking lot. Since I was already at the end of the line, I was able to keep an eye on the spot.

There was a woman with a small child, maybe a year old. Okay, if she parked there, it wouldn’t be awful. But when she left she went across the parking lot to another car. Somehow, by the grace of God, she was able to make it all the way to her car with a coffee in one hand and a child over her shoulder! I hope she didn’t get hurt.

Also present were two elderly women in and while they could get around, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if they had parked there either, I could live with that. They ended up across the parking lot, too, next to my car.

Some young chickie, in her faux Burberry coat and very real attitude, left the store and I thought, surely it can’t be her. She was probably the youngest person in there, sans the actual counter-kids (it’s a real job description at Starbucks and McDonald’s type places.) My turn at the counter. I break from my vigilante, can-you-tell-how-disgusted-I-am stance and order. As I finish and turn back to the door, the SUV pulls out….it’s the chickie!!!!!

NOW I’m in full rant mode. That is INEXCUSABLE! I get so annoyed at these people who think rules don’t apply to them because, after all, they’re just running in for a cup of coffee….while the rest of us are there for dinner, movie and possibly an overnight stay. It just pisses me off to no end! And I don’t care if there is another handicap spot available, they aren’t so special that they can decide which laws apply to them and which don’t.

I’d like to see some political candidate, be it local, regional, state or federal, promise to do something more harsh about everyday assholes who can’t follow some simple rules with which everyone else seems to be okay. I’d love it if Joe Citizen could fine people who think they are above everyone else when it comes to the simple things like this. And, yes, I know it’s extremist, but it pisses me off. And it’s not like that’s a huge parking lot to begin with.

I was tempted to hang around outside until the person came out but didn’t….next time I think I will because I certainly would have had a few choice words for her. God forbid she ever actually need the handicap spot – she’ll surely miss all those days when she could have taken a longer walk from her car to the door and chose not to. You don’t realize the freedom of walking until you can’t.

This would have been peppered with more exclamation points but I had a meeting almost the moment I got back into the office and that gave me a little time to settle down.


At 11/21/2005 03:38:00 PM, Blogger Cherry Indigo (Cindy) said...

Oh my God! What an awesome idea!!! I want to do this! Want to help with the design?

At 12/02/2005 11:03:00 AM, Blogger ianinjesi said...

Get these stickers ready now. No jury would convict you!

At 12/02/2005 01:12:00 PM, Blogger Cherry Indigo (Cindy) said...

I think you're right! This is one of my goals for the new year.


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