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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Even The Best Laid Plans...

Not much blogging this week. I took the week off for the holiday and to work on the house a bit. The dining room is about 85% finished....all that's left is a second coat of paint underneath the chair rail and the chair rail and trim.

In the meantime, I've ripped up the floor in the kitchen...fun but much harder then I thought. I was using this commercial size scraper that's about 5 feet tall, has a foot hold and must weigh 10 lbs. With all the scraping and throwing that thing around, I completely blew out my back and shoulders. Despite the massage I got at a party Saturday night, I was one hurtin' puppy on Sunday morning (my hangover didn't help). I ended up popping Advil and calcium all day and lying flat in bed to watch the Eagles game.

I was hoping to have the floor done by now but it'll take another couple days. Today is the day I planned appointments and stuff, which I always end up doing with at least one day of any stay-at-home vacation. I'll work on it more late this afternoon when I get back from Toppers.

With any luck, I'll finish the kitchen floor, paint the kitchen walls, finish the dining room and get the leaves in the yard cleaned up before I head back to work on Monday. (My next door neighbor would probably be appreciative since his lawn looks like a golf course and my leaves keep blowing over there. He's got some cool lawn vacuum that attaches to his lawn mower...I think I need to get one for next year....the blower will do for now.)

So this party on Saturday night was lots of fun. Thanks Nan!!!!!! Food was great, company was fabulous, drinks and partial nudity were plentiful! And thank God I went with a friend because it became clear on the drive home that I was in NO condition to be behind a wheel....so it's a good thing she was. I don't remember much once we hit the Schuylkill. Haven't been that drunk since....hmmm, just a few months ago at the Monkey's tailgate party.

I have Seinfeld DVDs on in the background and it's the one where Kramer has seizures whenever he hears Mary Hart's voice. Too freaking funny!

I guess I should wander off and eat something before I head out again...and clean up the damn kitchen. I don't know where all these dishes come from...I don't cook. Maybe the cat is having luncheons when I'm at work. It would explain the catnip plant I found the other day.


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