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Thursday, December 01, 2005

And the Circle Goes 'Round...

I have the biggest crush on blogging. I hope, in time, when I become more mature and a grown-up blogger, that I will actually be in love with it. I know that it’s stupid little things that get my blood flowing over this but they get it flowing all the same. Just this week, I’ve experienced the following:

- via Wil Wheaton dot Net (WWdN), I discover Annie Sertich’s blog. Now, some may laugh at the Wil Wheaton thing but those folks probably don’t know he has one of THE most popular blogs out there…seriously. And while Annie has flat out abused him this week – and it’s been funny as hell – I am a religious reader of his. The link above is to the place he calls WWdN in Exile. You'll have to read his blog to find out what that's all about.

- back to Annie’s blog, Jesus’ Favorite. Hysterical. If she stops blogging, I’ll be very disappointed for a while. And getting mentioned in her blog was still way cool for a big video gaming, X-File watching, Star Trek loving, Barry Manilow worshipping, RSS using band geek like me.

- via Annie’s blog, I discovered her sister’s blog, The Croation Sensation. She has admittedly been sporadic in her posting but I get the distinct feeling that she’ll be writing more now that she has a nemesis in her sister’s blog. Kudos, Steffie…and thanks for writing back.

- while trying to discover the address for Steffie’s blog, I heard from Madie – also searching for the address. I love hearing from people I don’t know. Madie’s site looks very interesting to me and I’m looking for enough free time to cruise around it and see what’s there. So that’s cool.

- through the The Croation Sensation, I find what seems to be her best friend’s blog,a...my name is Allison. I like it a lot so far, though I’ve only read several posts to date.

- and on Allison’s blog, she mentions an idea that she stole from Heather and Heather stole from Citizen of the Month (don’t know what that is yet). And that would be this….

Thank you, Nan, for being my first commenter…and still my most frequent one. I don’t know if I ever would have gotten into this if I had not discovered the blog of someone I know and trust to be an intelligent person. I owe my blogging efforts to you.

- to top it all off, commenting on Annie’s blog and not being told to shut up made me realize how friendly the blog world is. I’ve even commented on Wheaton’s site now.

- and last, but certainly not least, McG has introduced some of us to www.myspace.com and we’re now lurking around there, too. It’s different and can be a lot of fun. It gives me ideas for
www.cherryindigo.com which has gone no where fast but should get moving by year end.

A postscript to all of this is that I played poker downtown this week and had a great time. I am typically very bad at new social situations…and this one had the added pressure of knowing the rules of a game! Egads! But it was breeze and I loved it. I learned a lot - especially last night - and came in 11th? (out of about 40) on my first night and 4th (out of 12, I think) on my second night....there's something to this beginner's luck.

Great week….and the makings of a great weekend coming up.


At 12/02/2005 05:13:00 PM, Blogger Marsha Loftis said...

I got mentioned in someones blog. How cool is that?


At 12/06/2005 11:19:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi! We have found each other now and made this blogworld that much smaller.

You know what? Pretty soon you too will start prefixing everything with the word "blog". It's a virus. Microsoft is working on it, but until they come up with the cure (or the $43,000 they now owe me for all the forwards), we're fucked.

Well, blogreetings and blogoodbye!


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