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Friday, September 01, 2006

Rolling Rolling Rolli-...okay, not so much

Ah, I thought I had it back. The blog groove. The zone. The time. Alas, 'tis not to be. The extent of my return to daily blogging was akin to that of Paris Hilton's singing career. In its first week, her CD sold a paltry 75,000 copies in the US. The second week projections are reported at 30,000. Hell, even I could produce a CD and find 30,000 people to buy it....or at least take a free hand-out on the streets. As one article I read put it, "Paris will be forced to go back to her old career of being a stupid, useless, self-absorbed, spoiled whore." Every time I read it, I laugh harder.

The most disheartening part is that I have actually had subjects about which I wanted to write, blog, bitch, ramble.

There was the idea of a new reality TV program. When actually discussed out loud, with another person, it really turned out not to be so great. Whew! Dodged that bullet. My new idea is a reality TV program about reality TV programs. Not sure how that would work yet but I've really had it with reality TV. HAD. IT. I watch television to get away from reality, not to have it heaped upon me through the media miracle which is Mark Burnett.

I recall there also being a blog rolling around my head about vacation in Ft. Lauderdale. I held back on that one thinking Iced Tea Not Coke would want to report on her team's performance....but she didn't. :(

Then there was fun trip to Georgia and Alabama for work. That was a good travel experience - everything ran smoothly. It screwed up being able togo to the Eagles game against Pittsburgh, but that's okay. I would have fallen asleep in the stands, probably with a pretzel stuck to my face or something. However, I do have to mention the two signs I saw whilst on that trip.

The first sign was on my way from Birmingham, GA to Jasper, AL. Entering Jasper, the sign informed me that Jasper was voted the cleanest city in Alabama. WOW! Quite the honor, I should think. How many people can say they live in the cleanest town in the entire state? And it actually WAS pretty dang clean! The people there could possibly be the nicest people in the south. I wasn't inside the facility for 5 minutes and I was being fed lunch. Nice.

The second sign was somewhere along the drive from Jasper to Atlanta. I THINK it was in Georgia, but I can't be sure. It read, "Caution - Bridge May Be Icy In Winter" In winter. Thank GOD they pointed that out. Seriously. Does the "in winter" really have to be on there? When I try to get my head around that one, it just hurts.

It really was a good trip though, all things consider. While I could be happy never traveling again, it wasn't so bad.

The other subject I wanted to write about was corruption. We were watching one of the many shows airing about the one year anniversary of Katrina. (BTW - I thought Brian William's offering was tremendous. Sickening and criminal in its message...but tremendous in its presentation.) The mayor of New Orleans (I really don't like that guy) was on one of these many shows, talking about the rebuilding efforts...or lack thereof. Whatever he was saying sent me into a mini-rant about corruption in our cities. That led me to ponder which city in the U.S. was the most corrupt. I'm betting it's not one of the obvious candidates - New York, Washington D.C., Chicago, Miami, New Orleans, L.A., Dallas, Philly, etc. I'll bet it's some no-where town in the middle of Jibip.

All those thoughts left me with this one...how does one measure corruption? Webster defines its various forms as "to make evil, deprave, bribe, debased, rot, spoil". What yardstick can be used for that? I'm sure there are clear indicators on the surface, but how could you really find out the level of corruptness for something / someone? To me, and possibly me alone, it's an interesting thing to dwell on.

So those are the many different subjects I wanted to write about but for which I could not find time. Work is beyond busy - it's sheer madness right now. I anticipate another couple or few weeks of it before signs of calm may approach. We'll see. Sleep has become a nuisance at this point, I really don't have time for it. I'm looking forward to the weekend and extra time off. With any luck, I'll even get to see "Invincible" this weekend....REALLY want to see that. I love sports movies.

For those who may be interested, a history of Labor Day can be found at http://www.dol.gov/opa/aboutdol/laborday.htm


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