Fool's Gold
Some nitwit waiter fished an egg salad sarnie and corn dog, both half-eaten by Britney Spears and her oxygen thief boyfriend, from a trash can. If I heard correctly, someone even sadder than the waiter paid $500 for the garbage combo.
C'mon, it's garbage! I cannot, for the life of me, comprehend this.
Okay, let's take away the fact that it's garbage. Let's pretend - and I know this is a HUGE stretch - it was something of worth...a personal journal, a unique and recognizable piece of jewelry, an original get the idea. It still belonged to Britney and the waste of space. Yeah, okay, she sings and dances. It's not as though her musical contribution has been (or will be) that of Elvis, the Beatles, the Stones or Aretha Franklin - just to name a few. I'll even throw Madonna in there for good measure. As for him...I don't imagine I have to say anymore.
I can see if it were Hillary Clinton's journal - Brad Pitt's silver ring - Steven Spielberg's copy of the next Indiana Jones movie. At least these folks are bonafide celebrities...not only have the contributed greatly in their area of interest, they try to give back something as well. They try to contribute in some way. This is Britney Spears were talking about. (Yes, I've reached the point where the second part of that equation no longer deems mentioning.)
I'm at a loss. $500 for half-eaten food, plucked from a trash can. What will someone even do with it? Seriously. What is the purchaser going to do - smell it? lick it? finish it? Does that somehow transfer the magic of Britney to his/her DNA? Does this make them life-long food buddies. The entire situation is unfathomable to me.
If I really search, I can probably find Jessica Simpson's half-used deodorant for sale, too. God Bless, e-bay.
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