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Monday, December 12, 2005

MISSter Anderson...

My friend asked if I wanted to join her for some Christmas shopping this weekend. I’m not far from the mall but refuse to go near that place on a weekend during the holidays….the drivers alone can send me into a rage….so I told her to stop by afterwards instead. While she was over, “The Matrix” happened to come on the boob tube. As she showed me her newly purchased bounty, we were watching the movie at the same time. She had never seen it…it took me a while to understand how this was possible but I got past it.

As best I could, throughout the movie, I’m explaining the premise of it and the characters to her. She got it for the most part but I don’t think I do the best job explaining it. I understand it to watch and know what is going on but find I have trouble explaining it well. Near the end of the movie, during the big showdown between Neo and the Agents, the following transpired…

Her: Who are those guys again? (referring to the agents)
C: Bad guys. They are Agents.
H: Are they also computer programs?
C: Not really. They also know the truth.
H: And what’s that again?
C: That life as we know it is really a software program. None of this is real.
H: Right. So they aren’t part of that?
C: Well, they know the truth, too.
H: Oh.

I’m not quite sure I made it any clearer at this point…

C: See, there are two camps. There’s the good guy camp with Neo, Morpheus and Trinity and they know the truth and want everyone else to know the truth. They want to unplug everyone.
H: *nods*
C: Then there’s the bad guy camp. The Agents. They also know the truth but they want to keep it from everyone and keep us all plugged in.
H: With the thing in the back of the head?
C: Right.
H: Okay.
C: It’s a war between those who know the truth and want to expose it and those who want to keep it hidden.
H: Okay. *still looks a little confused*

C: What?
H: Well, who or what is Neomorpheus?
C: Two different people. Neo. And Morpheus.
H: Who’s Neo?
C: Keanu Reeves.
H: You mean Neil?

C: *blinks* Who’s Neil?
H: Isn’t that his name?
C: No, it’s NEO.
H: *laughing* I thought his name was Neil.
C: Oh my God.

Neo. The One.
Or Neil. The Line? The Nile? The Lien?


Reboot and send.


At 12/13/2005 02:31:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As shocking as this may be, there are many of us out there that have never seen the Matrix. I realize this may put you in a tail spin for the next few days.

At 12/13/2005 03:51:00 PM, Blogger Cherry Indigo (Cindy) said...

Well, at least for a couple hours, yes. :)


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