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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

New Cosmo Survey!

I like to check in with Dave Barry’s web site once in a while. He has an interesting blog in that it mostly references other online articles. Today, he actually wrote this himself.

So I am as usual in the airport, and I'm buying newspapers, and there on display at the counter is Cosmopolitan Magazine, and as usual the cover photo is of a woman dressed for the Senior Prom at Harlot State University, and as usual the articles listed on the cover are all about sex, as in "101 SEX TIPS!'"; "SEXY HAIR!"; "SEX UP YOUR GUM TISSUE!"; etc. So my question is: Do women really and truly think about sex that much? I mean, we know that guys do, but you can tell that from watching guys in real life. You cannot tell -- at least I cannot tell -- from watching women that they are thinking about sex all the time, but to judge from Cosmopolitan, which has been using the same cover successfully since the Civil War ("53 WAYS TO FIRM UP HIS MUSKET!") they are. So, women: What is the deal?

There were 48 comments (that was yesterday - when I checked today, there were 146). I was half inclined to comment myself with one simple phrase, “Is this a trick question?” I read about a dozen of the responses until they started getting a) repetitive, b) stupid and c) loooonnngggg. Now, I know I’m a big blowhard and can chatter away on here as well as the next person but there were people on there with dissertations in response to this question. Any response should have been this easy…

1) "Cosmo" does that because sex sells….hello?!
2) Yes, women think about sex, too (or no, I guess – the poor dears)

Done. What more would be needed?

Some nitwit on there, “Queenbee”, (WRONGLY) thinks women only really think about sex between the ages of 18 and 24. What the hell is THAT?! Is she kidding?! I must be a complete nypho then because it didn’t even get REALLY interesting until 24. I mean, c’mon, am I the only one out there who gets more sexually liberated each and every year? I know I’m not...I can't be. I’m still looking forward to my 40s because, from everything I’ve read, that’s when it REALLY gets good…I can’t freakin’ wait.

Now, I know that sex is not everything (it’s the only thing – kidding) but it’s DAMN important….especially when it’s so wonderfully mixed with love. And I’m certainly not someone who always has to “make love” – puke. When you’re with someone you love or are in love with, you’re always making love…even when you’re having sex or just flat out fucking. At least that’s my opinion.

I do wonder if the answer is VASTLY different for lesbians and straight girls. I tend to think it isn’t.

I was just flabbergasted by some of the responses on that site. However, to be completely honest, the question itself begs extreme modification. Every person is unique and there is no way one can ask a universal question like that, about something so personal and individual, and expect one answer. For every person, you’d have a different answer, even if the difference is slight. And I am certainly not responding via a blanket…this is my own personal opinion.

Quite frankly, maybe Dave’s a little horny from being on the road so much and was looking for some cheap thrills. It’s quite clever…get women to talk about their sexual appetites by disguising it as a real journalism type survey. Brilliant!


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