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Thursday, September 22, 2005

Bosco!! Bosco!!!

I lost my freaking ATM card again. I think. It can only be a couple places. I definitely used it at the Genuardi’s over the weekend. Other then that, I can only think of one other possibility – when I was out over the weekend (after the Genuardi’s visit) I had my money, credit cards, etc. in my wallet and I was also carrying the same items for a friend. So, perhaps (and hopefully!!) when I gave his stuff back to him, I also gave him my ATM card.

Unfortunately, he’s away for a few days and I can’t contact him to find out if he has it or not. I’ll have to wait until the weekend I guess. In the meantime, I am willing to take almost anyone out to dinner so that I can charge the whole affair and get cash from the other person…okay, okay, so that’s not EXACTLY “taking” someone to dinner but it’s close….and I’d thank the person later by going out for real and treating.

I’m becoming more and more in favor of advanced technology for this type of thing (ATM cards/credit cards/etc.)…like an implant or eye scan or, I dunno, a DVD that can teach me not to lose things. And I never used to lose stuff so much. Is this a symptom of getting older? This will be the second time in 2 years (I think) that I’ve lost the damn thing. And it will be the second time in 2 years that I've gotten older. Coincidence? I think not.

I’m trying to avoid talking about the deer…because even I think it’s starting to get weird… but I do have to say that Einstein went after a couple of them last evening. (I guess I could categorize that as talking about my cat.) He was ready to pounce on 6 of them the night before but last night he actually ran towards them…swiftly. Thank God they ran off and didn’t use him as a fuzzy little ball for their reindeer games….hey, do you think generic, run-of-the-mill deer are allowed to play reindeer games or is that a big faux pas in the animal kingdom?

For a LOT of reasons, I’m REALLY looking forward to the weekend…


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