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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Hail to the Chief

I admit it, I couldn't wait to watch "Commander in Chief" last night. The idea of a woman president becomes more and more of a reality as we go further and further into the future. I read an article in "Radar" about the very real possibility that Hillary Clinton may run in 2008. It was an interesting read since she has, for so long, been criticized for being so mannish...most times by the Republican party....and now it could bite them in the ass since that might be the very quality that makes her a credible contender.

I've not yet decided if I would vote for her. I'm trying to keep a vigilant eye on her to see what she's up to these days and in the next couple years but have been less then disciplined about it. She intrigues me, however. I'd like to say that she's someone with whom I'd like to have lunch (and she is) but she is so freaking intelligent that I’d probably just sit there staring at her, jaw on my plate, chewed Chicken Caesar Salad exposed to all, wondering what the hell she was talking about….a filibuster? Huh? Was that on the dessert tray? Yeah, okay, I’ll have one, too. With chocolate sauce, please.

Back to Mackenzie Spencer Allen, the fictitious first woman president. I'm really curious to discuss this with others to see what they think of the show, the idea and her decision to take office and not resign, as her own president asked her to do. (The spolier sort of being that she decided to take office...but really, had she not, there'd be no show.)

I missed the last 20 minutes because I thought I was taping it but, turns out, I wasn't....don't get me started again on Comcast's On Demand. So now I'm looking for the text of the speech or someone who has it taped so I can know what she said.

I hope this show turns out to be as good as it has potential to be. It's been a long time since I've been invested in a network show, this one could do it. But if they ever write an accidental, late life pregnancy into it, I'll throw up. C'mon, writers, let's have some fun with her menopause years!

(I might soon be done with messing around with my fonts...not that I'm satisfied yet, but maybe done for a while because I've lost motivation for caring about them.)


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