I Could Never Be in Advertising...
I was at the chiropractor today for my regular appointment. The last thing you do while there is lay on the table with the rolling thing that helps separate your vertebrae...it feels good. My chiropractor, who I love, sells these therapeutic pillows, which help a lot if you can get used to sleeping on them.Tangent…
I didn’t get used to the pillow and gave up. I always woke up with my head on the shelf part, facing up, or my face buried in the little canyon. It’s now in the closet with the eye mask you freeze that always ended up halfway around my head, covering one ear; the roller you put under your knees that always ended up jammed at the bottom of the bed; the water fall thing that makes me have to pee; and my head gear from 7th grade.
End tangent…
My chiro has advertisement posters for these pillows and has cleverly hung one on the ceiling above one of the tables with the rolling thing. It talks about the great night sleep you will get and how you’ll stop snoring and such things. That all makes sense. I’ve seen the poster a hundred times, although I usually just glance at it and then doze until the timer shuts off, the rolling things stop and I wake up. Today, for whatever reason, I gave it more then a glance and I see the pictures referenced here. Why are these people awake?! I don’t get it.

I was so distracted, I didn’t get my 8 minute nap. Damn it.
Stupid awake sleeping models!
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