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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Gutted and Studded

So it begins…the REAL renovation. This is not the little dabbling of paint and window blinds…this involves sledgehammers, crowbars and dumpsters. Witness what was the family room during the clean out phase. Bear in mind, this was never really a real room. It had a LOT of crap in it. CDs from floor to ceiling; DVDs, VHS tapes and PS2 games crowding the closet; Einstein’s fun-time tower and my lonely little desk in its temporary spot. It is currently in its second temporary spot, soon to be moved to its third. I think it’s getting a complex. So this was pretty much a junk room.

I missed getting pictures after the demolition….just plumb forgot!...but it was fun. To be honest, it looked a little creepy. They had used this glue to affix the paneling to the walls and it was this deep red color. Once demo was done, the room looked like a medieval torture chamber. You can see it in the picture below.

A few of us started tearing things down on Friday night, around 7. By 11pm the paneling, ceiling tiles, carpet and plaster ceiling itself were gone!! It was quite a scene. The powder room got the axe the next morning.

The contractor started this morning around 7am. I like this guy…he’s very knowledgeable and genuinely seems eager to do a great job. So now I have studs on the walls and recessed lighting in the ceiling. My cable finally comes through the wall instead of the damned heating duct. Tomorrow is dry walling and the big event of replacing the bay window with French doors to the patio. I think the plumber might be coming to take the toilet and sink out of the powder room. I’m seriously jazzed about this new room.

Tomorrow I get to pick out toilets, a sink and tile. Then I get to go back Thursday and pick out the cabinets that will make up the bar. It’s pretty bad when the people at Home Depot start to recognize you.

Okay, I promise to stop talking about the house.

Look at this….could there be a more peaceful way to spend the day?

Now I have a question. I’m watching television the other night and the commercial for Gillette Fusion razor came on. Have you seen this? It’s like a commercial for a sci-fi movie. The blue, cool, Freon-filled tube merges with the red, hot, lava-filled (I guess) tube and they create…..THE FUSION RAZOR!!!!! 16 blades working together to give you the closest shave you’ll ever get by actually stripping the skin right from your body. Change the way you shave forever! You can go without shaving until your epidermal structure grows back.

The web site is just as bad. IT’S A RAZOR FOR GOD’S SAKE! Exactly how technologically advanced can it get? Sharp blades. A handle. A cool little strip that dispenses aloe or lotion or butterscotch pudding….I guess it depends on the brand.

Okay, let’s review. I’ve covered local news (my house), world peace (refer to the picture of Eistein) and Health & Science. Oh!! L. Rod Cruise and his little mail order bride had their perfect baby girl and named her Suri, which is Hebrew for princess. So that covers entertainment....sort of....let's face it, we're talking about Cruise and Holmes...not exactly the Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward of our time.

Give ME 20 minutes and I’ll give you a bunch of babble.


At 4/20/2006 08:32:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I. I have to say I'm a little miffed that I wasn't invited to the demolition party, considering all the demolishing I hooked you into.

II. Did you have Einstein's tail straightened? I can't see the 7!

At 4/20/2006 11:08:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Is it weird that I would be excited about picking out a toilet and a sink?

At 4/22/2006 12:53:00 AM, Blogger Cherry Indigo (Cindy) said...

It's only weird if you've had to go through the experience before. Once you do it, you find it's not as exciting as you dreamed.

BTW - Home Depot sucks. "You can do it. We can help." Oh yeah? How? By watching the 30 spot on tv? There's not a sales associate to be found in that place!

OMG, this is so long, I think I just sub-blogged.


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