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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Like a Has-Been

Something occurred to me this morning or over the weekend….and I’m not quite sure what triggered it. I don’t recall hearing any of her songs. There is no Kabbalah center near my home, as far as I know, and it’s not as though I was reading the biography of Eva Peron. Regardless, Madonna popped into my head. But the thought that kept repeating itself was not about her music or film history, it was this one…”Why is Madonna still famous, still in the news?”

I have to admit, it’s been haunting me a bit. Then I thought that perhaps the real question was, “Why does Madonna think she’s still famous, still news?”

Seriously, what the hell has she done lately to warrant coverage of ANY kind?

She hasn’t produced any music in a while….or it was so quietly done that I totally missed it.
She hasn’t been in a feature film lately.
She hasn’t popped out any more kids. Or new husbands.
I know she has written a children’s book…perhaps even a series…but that was quite some time ago and wasn’t it something more local in jolly ole England?

All I know that she’s done is started practicing a new religion….and even that wasn’t recent. Besides, people do that everyday and it isn’t news. I guess it could be considered a form of fashion industry news since Hollywood is making Kabbalah fashionable.

Really, why do we even hear her name anymore?

I’ll be perfectly honest - I have nothing against her. I never think about her. I’ve accepted that she’s a self-promoting skank and just don’t care. Her best days are behind her and she’s losing her looks. And let’s face it, she’s always been a little batty about her own importance.

I simply don’t get it. I’ll probably remain puzzled by this for a couple days and then a gnat will distract me and I’ll be on my way. It just befuddles me.


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