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Friday, November 11, 2005

Nominee Schnominee

I have to wonder about something.

As I was reading my daily dose of differnt blogs and hop-scothching from one article to another, I've saw the same thing people see everyday - arguments about the Supreme Court, it's members and their personal/political/legal beliefs about abortion.

Then I read an entry on a site that is new to me. The gist of the post being that the Supreme Court is so focused on watching what this author called the Abortion Toggle Switch and wondering if they should play with it, that perhaps we need another court to "assume the neglected responsibilites of the current one." Well put.

And the gears in my head slowly started turning and I started wondering, like I always do, why we are STILL, as a nation, focused on this arguement that is now decades old. And why does every administration seem to keep the Court focused on it? And why is it such a big-ticket question in confirmations that always gets news coverage.

While they've got the minds of citizens wrapped around the fate of Roe v. Wade (which, to my knowledge, hasn't really been threateded since it was decided), what are they sneaking past us?

What's going on behind that curtain Mr. Wizard?

I've never really paid attention to the cases being decided in the Supreme Court....maybe it's high time I do. Does anyone know if there is a publication, like "TV Guide" or "People" or "Mad Magazine", to which I can subscribe? "Field and Stream: The D.C. Issue!"


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