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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Monday (Tuesday) Morning Quarterback

I was watching several of the morning shows on Sunday; “Meet the Press”, “This Week” with George Stephanopoluos (I just wanted to type that to see if I spelled it correctly without looking it up first….let’s see….Stephanopoulos…oh, so close), and some other program of which I missed the name. I was flipping back and forth and, as suspected, all conversation and topic of discussion was about Hurricane Katrina. What was so abominably distressing was that EVERY show was trying to figure out who was at fault for the delay and lack of relief effort! The locals were blaming the Feds, the Feds were blaming the locals, the NAACP was saying it was all about race. With so much work still needed to help these people, I can’t believe this is the best way to use a national media forum.


How did blowing smoke in someone’s face ever come to mean, “I want to fuck you.”? I am so curious about this….does anyone know?


What a great weekend! I’d like to say that I accomplished all kinds of things around the house (and I did do quite a bit on Saturday) but I didn’t. I relaxed, which most people don’t do often enough anymore. I sat on the patio each morning and watched the cat play, read a book, drank my Red Bull and observed the neighborhood. In the afternoons, I either watched movies or tv, read, talked to friends or sat on the patio some more. Saturday evening I hung out with a couple friends, Sunday I went to a really fun party and danced so much that I was sore the next day and Monday I had a really nice dinner with family. It was wonderful. I almost feel really guilty for not doing more…but it turns out I just feel a little guilty.


I finished Wil Wheaton’s book, “Just a Geek”, this weekend. It was mostly about him and his life since Star Trek and whether he should turn his back on it or embrace it and whether he should write or not, and all about building his web site, etc. It wasn’t bad but, as I told a friend, it got a little repetitive. He really seems to be someone who needs a lot of validation from other people and was a little too “poor me” in places. Honestly, I’d like to see him write some fiction, which is what I told my friend.

I had just begun to think that I’d O.Ded on Wil for a while, although I still planned to read his blog. Then, as I’m eating my breakfast this morning I check into his web page and see that a longtime reader has written to Wil that he no longer enjoys his blog and he’s not going to read anymore. I’m not sure why the reader felt the need to do that….just stop reading it if you don’t want to, right?

Wil actually feels compelled to answer this person with a little diatribe about how busy he is and his family issues and his privacy issues and how he’d rather be playing poker because the people running that organization treat him well, etc. and that he might not post to his web site as much he used to. Someone commented to Wil that he has to decide whether he’s going to be in the public eye or not. I sort of have to agree and realized that it summed up Wil’s book. I’d still like to see him write fiction, though.

I haven’t the slightest idea what that was all about – I really just wanted to say that his book wasn’t too bad….I’m going back to “A People’s History…”. “Just a Geek” was a nice, easy holiday reading diversion. And some day I will get into just how much of a geek I was as well….I have something all written on this….I’m just not sure it’s something I’m ready to reveal about myself.


And, of course, it’s time to mention the deer again. The two that like to hang out in my backyard were actually laying down near a tree a few nights ago when I came home fairly late. I felt like I had entered a Disney movie and was almost waiting for them to actually speak...except I've never seen a deer tic in a Disney movie....maybe that's its own story.


At 9/06/2005 04:36:00 PM, Blogger Cherry Indigo (Cindy) said...

Fortunately, it didn't actually happen to me or I probably would have passed out...but I've heard that explanation from so many people that it has piqued my curiosity.

Is it peaked, peeked or piqued? I looked them all up and really couldn't decide. Okay, it's not peeked...that much I know. I think it's piqued...that one is the coolest one.


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